Malia Cage

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Malia Cage

Post by breeevil »

Player Nickname: Bree Porter

Name: Malia Cage
Codename: Temper
Date of Birth: 04/30

Height: 5'0
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Mission Viejo
Nationality/Race: Caucasion
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Resident/Student
Occupation: Con artist.

Personality Profile:
Malia was cursed with a bit of a short fuse, quick to anger and even quicker to lash out. She relies on her slight frame and doe eyes to get her what she wants, when she wants it. She seldom fights her own battles, relying on her looks and ability to manipulate, to have others do it for her. Not much one to listen to her consciounce (if she even has one) she tends to live without guilt, regret, or worry. Malia long ago adopted a "Live and let be" kind of attitude, she does not care what you do or what you believe as long as you are not in her way.

Physical Description:
Malia stands at a staggering 5 feet, weighing in at about 100 pounds. Blonde hair hangs around her waist, usually in very loose curls or waves. Her eyes are very large, baby blue and always seem a bit misty, like she is on the verge of tears. her lips, also overly large, are a lollipop kind of pink, always glossed and lined perfectly. She tends to dress in shortm fluffy styled dresses and buckle shoes, lacey topped socks.. all to play in to her baby doll image.

General Power Information: Image manipulation.

Ability One: Malia is able to change her own appearance to make her look like an older or younger version of herself, depending on what she needs to accomplish.

Ability Two: She is working on her ability to do the same to other people, making them appear as themselves, just an older/younger version. This is not yet mastered, and she does not practice on anyone unwilling.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
While able to change physical appearances, the frame of the person in question does not change. Example: if Malia was to change herself to look like a 3 year old child, her height and weight would remain the same, thus you would have a 5 foot tall, 100 pound person with the face of a toddler.
If she uses the ability on another person the affect is very short lived. Once they are outside a 10 foot radius of her, they will immediately change back to their normal self.

Malia is cunning and manipulative, even when not altering her appearance. Puppy dog eyes are an understatement, and she knows how to flirt and/or compliment her way into peoples hearts. She is an amazing cook and baker, has an eye for fashion, and is a very skilled dancer.

Malia was born in 1994 in Portland, Oregon. Her mother, Lila, an exotic dancer, had all but decided on giving up the baby, but her mind was changed when she laid eyes on the little girl. Not to say Lila fell in love with the child, oh no. She saw dollar signs. Being a woman of great beauty, Lila was quick to tote her infant daughter around, begging for sympathy, money and attention from anyone who would give it to them. She traded in one rich husband for the next for Malia's entire life, the poor child never being able to get settled.
Her mother told her everyday that her looks would get her through life, gave to her the gift of gab, and ability to flatter. Lila would make Malia practice constantly, everyday walking through parking lots, public parks or malls, talking men into buying her and her mother things.
Her kindergarten teachers would allow her extra snacks, extra recess time. She could talk her way from her bad grades to good. She graduated the 8th grade by developing a highly innappropriate relationship with her english teacher.
When she was 14, about to enter in to high school, she came home one day to find her mother frantically packing their bags. Husband number eight, Victor, had found out about Lila's plans to leave him, also finding out that he was husband number eight. Once that was discovered he uncovered several other lies Lila had fed to him, and was in wild rage. As soon as Malia had left the room, Victor shot Lila in the head.
The sight of Lila's body sent Malia into an emotional tailspin, and her face turned into that of a small child. Perhaps because she was never truely allowed to be a child, perhaps because she, at that moment, had been dying just to be a baby again. Victor, seeing this change, ran from her, screaming some nonsense about her being the devil. Malia did not understand his words until she caught sight of herself in the mirror and saw her face from 11 years ago.
Malia left, right then and there, as to avoid getting killed by Victor like her mother had.
She fled to a nearby restaraunt, hiding in the bathroom until she was able to change back to her normal appearance, then ran to the home of the teacher that she knew was in love with her. She spent the next few months with that man, learning how to work her newfound ability. Once she had proper control over it, being able to shift her appearance at will, she ditched the teacher and headed out to California. She spent the last few years manipulating her way into homes, meals and clothing.
Recently she made her way to Salem, not yet knowing about Cobalt. She has enough money to survive on her own for quite some time, but don't let her fool you. That is *not* her plan.

Criminal Record: None. No one has been able to get past their 'DAW!' to report her to the authorities. She also tends to skip town faster than an investigation would be started.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
Malia loves men. She's young, it's true, but she knows her way around a body. She loves music, chocolate, fine dining and clothing. She dispises other females, never really giving them a chance to speak more than a sentence to her. She is terrified of being alone, many thanks to her mother for that one.
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