Scarlet Nemesis

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Scarlet Nemesis

Post by katherine »

Player Nickname: Katherine

Name: Saffron Reynolds
Codename: Scarlet Nemesis
Age: 29
Date of Birth:

Height: 5'7
Weight: 154
Hair Color: red
Eye Color: black
Place of Origin: Kansas
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Villain
Occupation: Banking Institution CFO

Personality Profile: Scarlet is charismatic, intelligent, intensely vibrant and a little broken all at the
same time. While being utterly affectionate to all those around her she is still able to put off the aura of
someone dangerous, violent, and has no compunction with causing death. Her personal viewpoint is that mutant kind
is superior to humans and that mutants should be given dominion over the earth and people within. While in her
every day job she is able to work with and communicate with human beings, she holds them in contempt and would like
to see nothing better than those people lowered to status of second class citizen. Completely invested in her
beliefs and unable to be swayed from feeling as she does, she tries to gather support and wears the feelings
opening on her skin, literally and figuratively.

Physical Description: Curvaceous elegant, the woman has long tumbling red hair and wears everything even
the hair immaculately. Normally she is able to be found in tailored suits, gowns fit for upper society galas, and
rarely in carefully neat 'casual' wear. Heavily chested and wasp waisted, she tends toward the pleasantly plump
frame, features elegant and always pleasant except for on the rare occasional that she is made angry, her
disapproval in those moments glows as brightly as her more common amusement and conviction does. She is not so very
intimidatingly tall, but the attention of her eyes can be a little overwhelming. They are black, glossy and oily in
their depths. During the day in her office she wears contact lenses that make the eyes a bit more acceptable dark


Powerset: Mental Powers, heavily suggestive and body altering.

Ability One: Scarlet is able to effect the forms of people around her, she covers her object in red smoke
and that person is transformed into a stereotype/cliche. This power effects not only the people but the animals
around her. Examples: Angel was turned into a stereotypical anime ninja character like Naruto.

Ability Two: Suggestion: Scarlet has also the power of suggestion mentally, not just physically. She is
able to 'whisper' into a character's mind and push them to do what she wants. A part of her perhaps charismatic
personality comes from that. The power effects all humanoid creatures as well as animals, animals are perhaps more
highly susceptible to her influence because of their lesser evolved senses of right and wrong. It's not easy to
catch her out at what she's doing when she uses this power because it doesn't feel like an invasion into the brain,
it's feels honestly more like the mind of the person she's affecting is just encouraging themselves to do something
they'd normally not do.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Turning the character into a cliche is really random, Scarlet has no control over
what they turn into so it's always possible that they will turn into something that is even more detrimental to her
and her cause. A list of stereotypes is offered to the character's player and they are able to choose the
stereotype/cliche that they would like to turn their character into. Suggestion: Though her powers of suggestion
are strong, people are able to fight it, and though most don't because they don't because they don't realize what
she'd doing, when people figure out what kind of power she subtly wields it's easier for them to counter it with a
stronger presence of mind.

Skills: Perhaps due to her charismatic personality and power of suggestion, Scarlet is an extremely well
liked individual, she excels at things that are useful in ladder climbing and social events. Party planning,
cooking, networking people. She's also an accomplished business woman, very good with money and finances.
Background: Scarlet was born Saffron Reynolds, a girl raised on a small farm in Kansas. Always a personable
child, she grew into a very sweet and engaging teenager. At a very young age she was married to a handsome stranger
that had merely come into town on business and left her home and all the people who loved her feeling that she'd
married well and would go far. She has two surviving parents and a few siblings all of whom she speaks to on a
regular basis. Her powers flourished when she was in high school and as though breaking the normal mold for the way
mutants trend, did not have any unseemly events during that time. After traveling with her new and older husband
she inexplicably made the choice one day to leave him and though she took all of his money and valuable objects when
she left he was left with no ill feeling toward her and still to this day fondly speaks of his first wife. One day
while she was working as a receptionist in an office she happened to use her power of suggestion on someone and
accidently stumbled into a shadowy world of pro mutant rights. Between her vibrant nature and apparent lack of
conscience leading to a she rose quickly through the ranks of these pro mutants

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Scarlet has a fear of spiders, not a paralyzing fear, but a jump up
on chairs squealing fear.
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