James William Leones (Quicktime)

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James William Leones (Quicktime)

Post by Artimus »

Player Nickname: Leones

Name: James William Leones
Codename: Quicktime
Age: 22
Date of Birth: May 11th

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 125lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Swindon, Wiltshire, England
Nationality/Race: British
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: James is quick witted and quick to anger. He gives off an air of cool confidence but this is only to hide the emotions within. James was raised by mutant-hating parents and this goes a long way to his outward opinion of Mutant Supremecy, though he really can't see what the problem is, people are people. Highly intelligent and his need for approval from his peers makes him quite the show-off.

Physical Description: Average height and build although naturally toned. James is a good looking young man, often with a knowing, smug smirk on his face. His eyes, however give away the sadness and insecurity within.



General Power Information: Superhuman Speed

Ability One: Superhuman Speed: Quicktime has a top speed measured at a shade over 710mph. He has sufficient energy reserves to maintain this top speed for roughly 45 minutes. He has a maintainable cruising speed of around 480mph which he can hold for an unknown amount of time. He has a measured accleration of 0-100mph in 2.4 seconds, greater than the top sports cars in production at the moment.

Ability Two: Speed Physiology: Quicktime's body is adapted towards the rigors of high-speed running. His cardiovascular and respiratory systems are many times more efficient than those of a normal human being. He metabolizes an estimated 85% of the caloric energy content of foodstuffs (normal humans use about 25%). The chemical processes of Quicktime's musculature are so highly enhanced that his body generates only a fraction of the fatigue poisons, the normal by-products of locomotion, which force the body to rest. His body constantly expels waste products during his accelerated respiration through exhalation. His joints are smoother and lubricated more efficiently than those of a normal human being. His tendons have the tensile strength of spring steel. His bones contain unknown materials significantly more durable than calcium to withstand the dynamic shocks of his feet touching the ground at speeds a human should never be able to achieve or withstand. Quicktime's practical reaction time is several times faster than a normal human's and the speed at which his brain processes information is heightened to a level commensurate with his bodily speed, enabling him to perceive his surroundings while traveling at high velocities (this also makes his mind difficult, but not impossible to read). Quicktime's eyeballs. rather than having a layer of surface fluid like a normal human's, are permanently covered in a clear substance which protects them under the influence of high wind velocity, this also means he does not need to blink at all (though he does anyway).

Ability Three: None

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Due to his quick metabolism, any effects of poisons/illnesses are suffered in a very rapid progression. For example, if a normal human would have the flu for a week, Quicktime would suffer a week's worth of symptoms in a little over 24 hours. A poison that would kill a normal human in hours, would likely finish Quicktime off in minutes.

Skills: Quicktime is a highly accomplished Speed reader and although by no means an expert combatant, he can handle himself in a fight, though he has been known to fight dirty. Very good Pool player.

Background: James William Artimus was born in the town of Swindon in Wiltshire, England to loving, non-mutant parents (this is the story, his father was actually a mutant, a speedster like James). He had a fairly normal upbringing until the day of his 12th birthday when his powers began to manifest. James found he was easily outstripping anyone in his class during P.E. and even seemed to be thinking at a speed which his teachers found oddly suspicious, accusing him of, but never being able to prove that he was cheating.

James' father, William was distraught at having a "freak" in the family and ordered, that James be kicked out of the family home. His mother, Sarah, although clearly upset, agreed with William that a mutant could not be allowed to sully the family reputation but convinced William that James should stay until he was 16 as long as he promised not to use his abilities anymore. This was probably out of guilt for cheating on William all those years ago with James' mutant father and perhaps (though this is not know) she wanted time to try and track down his true father, whom she knew would be able to give James the life he needed.

Although James agreed initially, he soon found that life seemed to be growing slower and slower as his abilities grew stronger. James was getting in trouble at school, his boredom causing him to play trick on students and teachers alike and his need for excitement causing him to take to petty theft from shops and businesses, always too fast to actually catch, the school staff and local business owners knew who the culprit was but had no way to prove it.

The morning of his 16th birthday, without finishing his last year at school or even so much as a goodbye to his parents, James was gone, heading for parts unknown. This was timed unfortauntely as that very morning, the post arrived with a letter from James' real father, addressed to Sarah that he would be arriving that afternoon to speak to James and maybe take him under his wing.

Several years later and owing to circumstances that James is unwilling to discuss, he found himself at the Cobalt Hill Academy where he is training to better utilise his abilities.

Criminal Record: None, too fast to catch in the act.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
James is left handed, has a massive fear of heights and his father is not his real father (unknown to anyone but his Mother).
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