McKenna Black

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McKenna Black

Post by breeevil »

Player Nickname: Bree Porter

Name: McKenna Black
Codename: Follow
Age: 22
Date of Birth: 04/26

Height: 62" (5'2)
Weight: 105 lbs
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Scottland
Nationality/Race: Scottish
Classification/Origin of Powers: Occult

Occupation: Heiress.

Personality Profile: McKenna is a loud, proud, go getting, goal achieving, no nonsense kind of person. The kind of girl that, once a plan is set and in motion, will never abandon that cause. It has proved well for her so far, but not always for others. She will never hesitate to speak her mind, even if it gets her into a bad spot now and then; McKenna never means to be rude, but her tone can get away from her sometimes. You will almost never find her in a bad mood and she is usually happy to have a chat, she can be a bit of a flirt sometimes.

Physical Description: McKenna holds her head high and walks with pep in her step at all times. Her pale skin is untouched by makeup, with full lips and a straight nose. Her bright green eyes are cradled by ridiculously long eyelashes and high, prominent cheekbones. Dark brown hair is normally parted down the middle, framing her face as it falls down to her waist. She dresses simply, slacks and tshirts, tennis shoes. Her arms are covered in scars from burns, cuts and bites, but she seems unaffected by this. She never carries a purse or bag, just what she can fit in her pockets.


General Power Information: McKenna is able to pick up on psychic fingerprints.

Ability One: McKenna is able to touch an object and see a history of it's interactions with people. (I.E. She can walk into a restaraunt and touch a chair, and from that touch she would be able to tell you that the last person who sat in that chair was about to propose to his girlfriend. By touching the opposite chair, she would know whether or not the woman said yes.) The most recent history is very simple for her obtain, but if she wants to see further into the past she has to push harder. Without extra effort she is able to hear and even see full conversations had by the last person to touch what she is reading, but this is almost like watching a soft focus movie. It takes place in real time, so to listen to a whole conversation between people is time consuming, and she only see's one side at a time.

Ability Two: If a great deal of effort is exerted by McKenna she will be able to collect the names and faces of the persons who were involved with that objects history without having to wait for the conversations to give those details. (I.E. she would know that is was James Sinclair who was proposing, and that Jamie Davis accepted or declined that proposal.) The same is true of this secondary ability as the first, she will have to focus very hard, but will be able to get the names and faces of the people further back in time.

Ability Three: Undeveloped.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: It takes mild focus to work these abilities, and if she is not able to zone in on what she is doing it will take longer to get the indormation she is looking for, or it may not be entirely accurate. McKenna also tends to pick up on the emotions of the person she is trying to get information about. if the person was angry, or over the moon happy, when they handled the placemat she is trying to get a read on, she may become irritable or annoyingly happy. It is also common for her to become confused about who she does and does not actually know, so she may be overly friendly to people she has never met before, or think she has only picked up psychic fingerprints on someone she has actually conversed with in the past.

Skills: McKenna has a skill with fabric and/or yarns. She can sew curtains and clothes, crochet or knit ellaborate blankets and scarves. She is very crafty, able to create lovely things from nearly nothing. Like McGyver with popsicle sticks and glitter. She loves to garden, having a green thumb that could rival Ian Hamilton Finlay.

Background: McKenna was born in 1990 in Scotland, and remained there until very recently. Her mother stayed home with her for her whole childhood while her father worked in the mines. Her mother taught her how to work fabric so they could make their own clothes, and how to garden so they could grow their own food. When McKenna was 11 years old her mother died suddenly, leaving her in her fathers care. Because they had no other family she was left on her own daily while her father continued to work in the mines. A few weeks after the passing, McKenna picked up a set of her mothers knitting needles and experienced her gift for the first time. She was able to see her mother, hear the last conversation her mother had with her holding those needles. She spent days pouring over everything in the house, gripping to the memories. Her mother was always a cheerful person, so McKenna started becoming almost too happy, and her father became suspicious that she was going crazy. When he sat her down to ask her if she was okay she told him everything, proving it by taking ahold of her fathers coat and repeating his parts of a conversation he had had earlier in the day while at work. Her father was over the moon, crying out with joy that God had given his daughter a gift. He never pushed her to use it, but was always thrilled to talk to her about it. They never told anyone else.
They lived simply for years, him working and her holding down the house. She made the clothes, the blankets, grew food and took care of their animals. When she was 17 she was cleaning out the attic, the first time she had been up there since her mothers passing, and came across an old, foreign book. As she touched it she saw her very pregnant mother and another woman, chanting in a language she couldn't understand. As their chant grew louder and louder her mothers round belly started to glow, and when they finished the strange hymn she heard her mothers voice only say, "You'll always be able to see now, McKenna." and then the vision came to an end. She was unable to draw anything more from the book, as if no one else had ever touched it. She shared the story with her father when he got home that night, but he couldn't tell her anything about this event. McKenna spent days and days trying to read further into this memory she was seeing, but was never able to determine who this other woman was. It is somethign she still tries to find information about to this day.
Her father passed away about a year ago, leaving her a fortune she never knew they had. She has been traveling since then, trying to find out more about the spell that was cast on her while she was still waiting to be born.
Since hearing about mutants and a school for them in Salem she has been determined to get there, trying to find somewhere to fit in, or find this witch.

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: McKenna *loves* to sew, knit/crochet and garden, she takes great pride in the things she can make. She has a fondness for farm animals. She relishes in the idea of a simple life and it hurts her that she cannot go back to it yet. She is obsessed with finding the witch her gave her this gift. She eats only organic, free ranged food, that being what she was raised on. Her accent is very thick, so much so that she can be very hard to understand, especially if she's been drinking. McKenna has a reputation in some places as being a bit of a slut, but it's not so bad that it followed her to Salem. She is a member of the UK's NRA, and the SRA.
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