Yulianna Harper

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Yulianna Harper

Post by breeevil »

Player Nickname: Bree Porter

Name: Yulianna Harper
Codename: Yuli
Age: 17
DOB: 02/16/1995

Height: 65" (5 foot 5 inches)
Weight: 130lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Seneca Falls, NY
Nationality/Race: White/Mexican

Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Student?

Personality Profile: Yulianna is nothing, if not considerate, always minding her manners. She is a listener and a problem solver; always willing to devote 100% of herself to the issue at hand.
She does not like to pass judgement and will always be the first one to try and justify an action, made by her or someone else. Her perfect world would be one where no one is put in a place to have to defend themselves. She is all accepting, feeling that no one should ever be cast aside, but she has also never had to deal with a supernatural person other than herself.

Physical Despription: Yulianna stands about 5'5, weighing in at about 130 pounds of mostly muscle. Brown hair hangs down to her hips in waves but bangs frame her face, dusting the line of her jaw. Her skin is the color of honey, but dark freckles dot her nose and cheeks. She dresses plainly in loose jeans and a dark colored tank tops, her shoes are never tied. Yulianna has a hoop in her eyebrow, a monroe piercing and snakebites in her lower lip. On her right forearm is a tattoo reading, "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." in fancy scrawl.

Powerset: Yulianna has the ability of Energy Projection.

Ability One: She can create forcefields. Yulianna can focus on protection (for herself, for others) and can create a visible barrier made of energy (not like electricity) To the touch the shield is like a screen door but you cannot see through it. If you touch it, it moves.
Ability Two: Yulianna can tranfer energy into objects. By focusing on an object she is holding she can "charge" it, when the object come into contact with any other object or person it will explode. It's been discovered recently this also works on spiders.
Ability Three: (ultimately would like to have her be able to transfer energy into other people, but this is not being developed yet)

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Creating a forcefield takes her complete focus. If she looses her train of thought that produces the forecfield it will die. If the field is stabbed with a knife or shot with bullets it will falter, and she will have to exert more of herself to fill those holes.
When transfering force into objects and using her forcefield she is using her own energy, so to transfer alot of into one item, or a little bit into a number of items, or holding the charge for too long will cause strain on her body and she will eventually loose consciousness if she does not stop the charging.
When nervous, upset or scared Yulianna will sometimes accidentally charge whatever is closest to her, a book, chair or even a fork.
She also has times where she MUST transfer some of her energy. She has spent a couple of years holding back her abilities and it has now come to a point where her body will produce extra energy, and if she does not place it somewhere it will cause her behavior to become erratic. She will get overly hyper, become unable to focus and start to twitch.

Skills: She can run fast for a shorter person, and is very flexable. She spends a great deal of her time meditating, working on not allowing herself to be interrupted by disturbances around her, so she is very hard to unhinge.

Background: Yulianna grew up with her parents in a upstate New York. Her life is considerably more normal than most, she is the only child of two doctors. They have a house on a couple acres, 3 dogs and a pig. She attended normal middle school and ran on the track team. When she was fourteen she went to school early one morning to hit the gym and was attacked by a fellow student in the locker room. That was the first time she was able to put up her shield. Three days later she got upset at her math teacher and forced her energy into her pencil, which exploded in her hand. She freaked out, then, and told her parents what was happening. She was able to produce a forcefield for her parents to see, but they got scared and ran from her. She heard them calling the local authorities, so she ran away from home. She's been on her own since then, waiting tables or doing piercings, stealing peoples ID's. She's lucky, really, for never having been caught in the last three years.

Criminal Record: She has no criminal record, the police refused to file a report with her parents because she had left by then.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: She has always kept mostly to herself, having very few friends. Yulianna has a personal space issue which only got worse with her powers coming about, she is terrified that she will accidentally transfer energy into a person and kill them. She does not like to shake hands or hug. She avoids sharp objects like the plague, out of fear that she will overcharge them and kill someone. She has avoided using her powers at all cost since she discovered them, and she is not very good at using them. She is quiet around people until she feels she knows them well and has never had alot of friends. She keeps a journal and suffers from night terrors. Her shield will frequently apear as a result of these nightmares, and she has been known to make pillows explode in her sleep. She is also a vegetarian, speaks fluent spanish, and hates anything with more than four legs.
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