Noah Croft

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Noah Croft

Post by Synzaxragux »

Player: Asha

Name: Noah Croft
Codename: Plasm
Age: 20
Date of Birth: July 29, 1993

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 207
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Gray
Place of Origin: New York City, New York
Nationality: American/Caucasian
Classification: Mutant

Status: Resident
Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Noah's somewhat sensitive, an introvert with an artistic sense of connection and
natural fondness for the mysteries of life, as taken with the base physicality of the day to day existance as with
"higher" echelons of artistic expression like painting, music, poetry and the like; none of which he has any
particular talent for. He has a competitive streak buried under the relative calm of his facade, and beneath the
surface of his friendly exterior there's a mean streak for physical violence longing to escape the disciplined
confinement of suppressed extroverted tendencies. This buried deviance sometimes escapes in the outlet of his
sculpture, a "healthy" outlet that he practices often, and has only become more intimately connected to to that
form of expression after his mutation erupted in his early teens.

Physical Appearance: Noah's appearance bears a marked, otherworldly quality to an otherwise very all-
American kid, with dark hair faded along the backs and sides and eyes like fog crouched along the banks of a
Stygian river. His shoulders are naturally broad, developed further by athletics training in high school that he
never entirely got away from, finding catharsis not merely in the wet reception of sculpting mediums but also in
the weight room, and the dilligence of that training regime shows in the healthy thickness to his frame.

Powers/Mutation Information: Ectoplasmic Manipulation

Primary: Ectoplasmic Sculptor: Noah has the ability to generate and control ectoplasm in his surroundings,
at a rate of about one cubic foot/second and with a maximum generation of about 100 cubic feet at any one time.
His inherent connection to this bizarre substance allows him to shape and manipulate its basic properties, causing
fluctuations in density and weight, texture, color, and so on. The ectoplasm he generates responds to his
intentions, manifesting and behaving in a fashion consistent with his expectations (both conscious, and
subconcious), allowing him to fashion items and objects, or to simulate living things. Any constructs so created
are obviously unnatural in nature, and merely shells of sculpted ectoplasm. While any such constructs similarly
lack any actual life, his subconscious mind will render the appropriate animation within the constraints of their
construction (an ectoplasmic animal cannot make any actual sound, lacking the biological requirements, an
ectoplasmic serpent lacks toxins, etc). Maintaining multiple animated constructs is mentally taxing, and anything
beyond the first or second will begin distracting him, narrowing his attention to his surroundings and
appropriately reducing his awareness and functional interaction to scale with the psychological burden of his
subconscious involvement with his constructs. In its natural, unmanipulated state, ectoplasm is slightly slick-
feeling and gelatinous, slimy feeling and cool to the touch. It is nontoxic, and dissipates within minutes if not

Secondary: Ectopic Possession: Noah's intimate connection, both conscious and subconscious, with ectoplasm
makes him capable essentially possessing his own ectoplasmic creation, leaving his body limp and catatonic to all
appearances. While doing so, his body remains vulnerable and unawares of his surroundings, and his consciousness
uses an ectoplasmic mass as a surrogate. Through some means as yet not understood, while in an ectopic surrogate
he does not see, so much as have a general understanding of shapes in his immediate surroundings, making him
incapable of being aware of anything beyond 30' of him in any given direction. He can hear through the
interaction of sound waves through the ectoplasm, and has a diminished sense of touch, more a vague awareness of
pressure and points of contact to other solid things, compared to the infinitely more refined senses living skin
has, and lacks entirely any sense of smell or taste. Ectoplasmic vessels, like ectoplasm itself, can be destroyed
depending upon consistency by various energy attacks (particularly extremities of heat or radiation), as well as
physical damage. Should an ectopic surrogate be destroyed, Noah's consciousness is shunted immediately back into
his body, and may suffer biological trauma. While possessing a surrogate, the whole of Noah's attentions are
focused upon animating and rooting his consciousness to the plasma, making creating external constructs to his own
surrogate body impossible.

Tertiary: Ectopic Goliath: Somewhat related to his ectopic possession ability, Noah's connection with
ectoplasm makes him capable of weaving a second skin shell of hardened, moving ectoplasm around himself that
simulates bioplasmic exoskeleton. As in the case of his ectopic possession ability, maintaining a moving,
reacting bodysuit of ectoplasm overtop his own requires all of his attentions, both higher and lower minded,
making the construction of external ectoplasmic constructs impossible; he is essentially possessing the ectoplasm
immediately surrounding his body, his mind leaving the flesh and bone body cradled at the core of the ectoplasmic

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Ectoplasm's composition may well be psychically manifested in nature, a residual
of extreme psychic friction or activity, and acts as a psychic conductor the way many base metals conduct
electricity. As such, it makes him more vulnerable when encased in such materials to telepathic influence or
attack. Ectoplasm itself, no matter the state it is in, is extremely vulnerable to extreme heat or cold; heat
tends to dissipate its solidarity and quicken the evanescent nature of the psychic plasm, while cold conversely
saps it of fluidity, rendering it stiff and increasingly fragile. Noah can only maintain a few 'living'
constructs at a time while his subconscious mind plays at split behavioral responsibilities (They are not actually
alive, just animated, shaped ectoplasm, and as such his lower mind is actively working to control them in a
fashion consistant with the behavior he expects from such things), reducing his awareness and cognitive higher
functions severely should more than a handful exist at a time. His ectopic armor, being composed entirely of
hardened plasm essentially like a shell, requires him still to breathe, and thus is porous in places to allow air
to reach him inside the core of his encasement, making him susceptible still to chemical and biological attacks,
and maintains all the properties of ectoplasm itself (vulnerability to extreme heat and cold, telepathic/raw
psychic energy conduction)

Projected Power Growth & Development: Noah Croft's mutant growth would likely come in the form of greater
volumes and faster/more varied mastery in his ability to generate and manipulate volumes of the ectoplasm that is
his legacy, including better control of animated constructs, or perhaps an offshoot of his ability to manipulate
the base traits of the ectoplasm itself to include adapting how it responds to various forms of energy.

Skills: Noah's skillsets are consistant with other peer aged young men of similar American upbringings,
with the notable exception of sculpting; perhaps related to his connection to ectoplasmic manipulation, the Croft
kid has a developed talent for sculpture in various mediums including stone, wood and metals, and spends much of
his free time with slick hands working through often eventually scrapped marquettes. His high school background
bears the other noteworthy skillsets inherent to competitive football.

Background: Noah grew up in New York, his life unremarkable as the product of a high school theater/music
teacher and a construction worker. At the age of fourteen he began noticing slick, plasmic discharged during his
sleep, often waking with what felt like night sweats, though it seemed to dry up as soon as he'd smeared it off.
As well, traces of slick, slime like goo left upon objects he'd touched, despite his hands being dry themselves.
Small things, at first, easily suppressed and hidden by an embarassed young teenager. His curriculum included
musical theory, an actively involved home life of humanities culturing, and the normative studies in public
education, and by 15 he'd become involved (largely at the prompting of parents wanting to see him a little more
socially outgoing) in the football program at Millenium High. This extra involvement assured that he stayed busy,
and between workouts, studying, and after school practices, Noah lost sight largely off the weird glandular issue
he seemed to be having as he settled into to developing teenage life.

Things continued in this fashion well into his junior year, an established player at defensive end and defensive
tackle positions, occasionally sliding into special teams to fill out an injured player's place, when his mutation
ramped itself up; the slime residues occasionally left in his wake, in seats or upon desks, books or the like,
started getting noticed.. and on a hot summer afternoon when he lurched forward to begin vomiting up a black,
writhing mass of plasma upon the field, he was taken to a specialist as he came clean about his 'symptoms'.
Numerous physicians and endocrinologists yielded no answers, despite multiple tests and labs run on his blood, and
as things developed further it became increasingly obvious what the nature of his bizarre condition actually was.
By 18, mutation wasn't something he or his family could deny any further.. and he put off college as they looked
instead for treatment programs and immersed themselves in getting more information about his 'condition'.

He's been at Cobalt for over a year now, attending university off campus between scholarship grants and what help
his parents can provide.

Criminal Record: N/A

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: As previously referenced in weaknesses, ectoplasm is by nature a bioplasmic psychic discharge, possibly the most psychically conductive material in existence. Being coated with plasm, or finding some distillate way to cultivate these properties, might well be beneficial to enhancing the psychic abilities of telepaths, telekinetics, and other psychically derivative abilities. Conversely, it may be possible for researchers to find an antipathetically 'charged' version of ectoplasm that naturally inhibits and negates psychic energies. Also, Noah has a glossily pearl coated Hayabusa GSXR 2011 street bike, which he loves both for the style and sense of freedom, and for the sense of danger inherent to rocketing down the street on.
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