Selena Nolan

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Selena Nolan

Post by katherine »

Player Nickname: Katherine

Name: Selena Nolan
Codename: Roulette
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 09-08-1995

Height: 5'10
Weight: 175 lbs
Hair Color: Bright Red
Eye Color: Blue/Gray/green
Place of Origin: Providence, Rhode Island
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Resident
Occupation: Student, Photographer, Assistant at the local Tattoo parlor Demented Inc.

Personality Profile: Selena's worldview is pretty localized to being happy that she's no longer living with her parents, she has a few sort of unrealistic fears but is in general a pretty calm kind of person. Not easily exciteable in general she is friendly but in a languidly agressive style that within a few minutes of meeting someone she will try and involve them in a deep conversation. More likely to find her being a subdued kind of happy but because of her fluxuating chance and luck she has times of shyness or reserve to go along with brighter moments of that slow relaxed joy.

Physical Description: Selena has ultra bright red heavily defined curly hair, wide blue/gray/green eyes, plain features with wide plush lips and straight white teeth. Her appearance would be plain to look on if it weren't for all the additions she'd made, a pretty enough girl the brilliance of the hair with the pale skin and subdued eyes pops. In adolescence she'd also added a nose ring, tattoos over shoulders and down the back, down her right arm, crossed her stomach and over the calf of the left leg. Naturally she is a medium height with a wardrobe that varies from normal jeans and a t-shirt to skirts and combat boots. All things changeable with the current mood brought on by her own changing circumstances.



Powerset: Selena's power is primarily focused around her ability to manipulate the world around her in small sections, events transpire that normally wouldn't or shouldn't.

Ability One: Bliss effect: events around her are manipulated in a way that effects herself and those she's focusing on positively, finding money, winning a bet, playing well in a card game or sports event, stepping safely from a dangerous situation, or finding oneself generally luckier for having her around

Ability Two: Terror effect: events around her are negative, she and others could be more accident prone, bad luck, losing games and causing accidental calamities, give people sudden migraines or make them lose their balance.

Ability Three: Very rarely she is able to forsee the right choice, making the correct choice in a situation and how the negative and positive side effects will play out, being able to foresee this she is able to warn the person making the choice ahead of time.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: the bliss or terror effects of her gift are based heavily off of how she is feeling at the time. When she is happy and up it is more likely that the bliss effect will take hold. When she is depressed or sad or angry, it is more likely that the terror effect of her power will kick and she will be a little more dangerous to be around. The rare event of being able to see the outcome of a choice only works when directed at another person, can't be controlled, and leaves her feeling disoriented and out of synch with the current time and place.

The bliss and Terror effects are also channeled only with intent, focus and attention on the desired effect are required to bring the skill forward and after 10 events she loses her ability to effect anyone.

Projected Power Growth & Development: I see her learning to gain more control over the bliss and terror sides of her power, making them a little less dependant on her mood and working on trying to focus the ability of precognition to be able to use it more readily when she desires to help someone make a choice instead of being thrown off guard by it.

Skills: Selena cooks well, is adept at photography and works well in dark rooms and developing photos.

Background: Born to a family of simple people with simple pleasures and simple thoughts, the child of such a background would have most probably been a simple girl with an unimaginative future. When she was small she was like any other child with features of both mother and father and no relative among them that could decide whom she most resembled, but it was settled in time that she was the spitting image of her mother and toddled about with eyes like an overcast sky in shades of blue and gray or tempest silver. Following along properly with the general opinion of resembling her mother, she grew sedate curls of rich brown and regular features with no real extreme beauty. A lovely enough child in the dresses and bows, but common enough. Time flowed on as it has the means to do and she grew into her skin with all the alarming rapidity of any child, with all the 'Oh she's gotten so big' and 'Sprouting like a weed' that attended such a miracle and finally the quiet kind of serious baby grew into a chattering toddler, and from there quickly enough a rebellious teenager. Splitting as all school children do into one mold or another and becoming the tiresome kind youth outraged with all the normal, simple, easy life. Brown tumbling hair got dyed bright red, regular shaped nose pierced through the left nostril, and the gratefully flawlessly pale skin stained with ink. Floral explosions and vines filled the shoulders and ran down the right arm to the elbow and arguments with the nice normal parents ensued. All very common. Somewhere between sixteen and seventeen though, uncommon things began to happen. Starting small like finding money, lost toys reappearing after years, and larger things. One night riding with an older boy in a car there was an unavoidable oncoming semi that inexplicably jacknifed off into an Arby's, . After enough time and enough strange occurrences had happened near her in a cluster of months that produced in the end a complete division of the family. Selena left the simple life her parents led before she ruined it for them and fled as so many before her did, to Cobalt Academy.

Criminal Record: No Criminal Record

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Selena is scared of Zombies, vampires, and leprechauns, dislikes talking about her parents and changes the subject every time any of those things are brought up. On her upcoming birthday her father has given her the gift of a black 67 Chevy Impala.
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