Adam Hawthorne - Warlock

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Adam Hawthorne - Warlock

Post by Synzaxragux »

Player: Asha

Name: Adam Hawthorne
Codename: Warlock
Age: 17
Date of Birth: December 13th, 1996

Height: 6'
Weight: 173
Hair Color: Scarlet
Eye Color: Green, Black when powers active
Place of Origin: Danvers, Massachusetts
Nationality: American/Caucasian
Classification: Mutant

Status: Resident
Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Adam's very typical of American teenagers from stable homes, in many regards; he has a strong sense of what he wants and who he is, and views life with a blend of sybarite ambition and competition common to casual athletes. Confident and accustomed to some degree of popularity, he's comfortable in social settings and harbors a streak of unbridled levity for most situations that borders impish. He likes to laugh, push the occasional social envelope, and generally have a good time, occasionally to the point of unwisdom on all counts. Adam views the world, much as he views other people, as a potential source of joyful exploration. Adam's a very kinetic being, fond of movement both literally and figuratively, and enjoys "free running" in his free time as an extension of his former track time in high school.

Physical Appearance: Adam's ruddy hair and pleasantly angular features make him something of a stand out in mundane crowds, though his sometimes unnaturally solid black eyes can be somewhat off-putting to individuals not inclined to assume them simply designer contact lenses. His style is a hodge-podge of modern geek, skater and jock, occasionally including rings, his clothing choices often favoring scarlet or crimson amidst black tones. His hair tends toward intentionally tousled, and he wears an inverted pentacle on a thin chain around his neck, considering it something of a good luck charm.


Powers/Mutation Information: Adam's powers emulate old themes of witchcraft, including scrying, malign influence, and unnatural emulation of virtues/talents.

Primary: "Life Pact": Adam, using some sample of relatively fresh genetic material (saliva, skin cells via touch, blood, etc and must still be biologically active/alive) can form a bond with another living creature belonging to the animal kingdom, connecting him to that life in a variety of strange ways. While so bonded, Adam takes on certain auspices (enhanced senses if bonded to certain animals, enhanced agility if bonded to a gymnast, etc), and in the case of bonding with a mutant, Adam manifests one of the expressions of their mutant gifts as though having the same X-gene, sans any control or training with it. As a function of the bond, Adam has a vague awareness of the individual's abilities (whether the individual/animal he's bonded to has a mutant expression, and what the general nature of those expression are if so, whether they're a strength or cardio athlete, etc). Only one being can be bonded with at any given time, and once a life pact is made, it endures for 24 hours (during which time Adam cannot voluntarily end the connection, and cannot forge a new life pact with any other viable candidate either). Should the subject of the bond cease to live, or leave the same plane of existance Adam is on, the bond ends immediately (likely to be extremely disorienting and/or painful).

Secondary: "Devil's Charm": Intelligent subjects of Adam's genetic pact ability become vulnerable to Adam's influence, and will suddenly find his eyes particularly enthralling. So long as he has direct eye contact with the subject of his life pact ability, his charisma and sense of presence to the affected individual is greatly amplified when eye contact is established, and Adam can exert an overt manipulation upon them similar to a mind-affecting/telepathic effect. Subjects so influenced cannot be made to take actions that are outright self-harming, nor be directed to take actions directly contrary to their normal moral parameters, but are otherwise likely to obey suggestions he frames for them. Non-sentient animals under the influence of his life pact tend toward simplistic obedience without eye contact, deferring to him and behaving otherwise within the frame of their normal social behavior as appropriate. This ability does not grant the capacity for any special form of communication between Adam and the bonded being/animal beyond whatever communication abilities already exist between them, so attempts to influence a bonded individual are limited to whatever means of communication already exist between them, and the intelligence of the subject. In the case of intelligent individuals so bonded, the influence is maintained only so long as direct eye contact exists, and is broken by any interruption of this direct eye contact. Eye contact cannot be established for the purposes of this ability via reflection, telecommunication, or likewise. Intelligent beings so influenced in this fashion retain clear memory of everything that occurs, and are likely going to connect their strange behavior with his irises blacking out (as occurs whenever he expresses any portion of his genetic gift). **Note: Telepathic beings, or those otherwise inherently more resilient to mental influence by virtue of extreme willpowers or mutant protections, are as protected from this influence ability the same as they are against any other telepathic or mind-affecting ability.**

Tertiary: "Witch Sight" While bonded, Adam shares a very limited sense of understanding of the bonded being's general and emotional state (injured, extremities of emotion, etc), and can use them as a sensory extension of himself; seeing what they see, hearing what they hear, and so forth in place of his own senses. Reciprocally, the bonded being influences Adam with any extremities of physiological or psychological idiosyncracies; phobias, mental disorders, as well as adopting an unconcious affinity toward favored forms of foods, hobbies and mannerisms.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: The bond being abruptly severed/involuntarily ended by the death of the subject of his life pact, their removal from the same plane of existance/dimension, or mutagenic suppression of his powers, is potentially very painful and disorienting. Aside that, Adam becomes more vulnerable to any specific weaknesses the subject suffers in conjunction with their powers or specific nature, and the aforementioned proclivity to suffer psychological and physical idiosyncracies related to the being being bonded with. As noted, his Devil's Charm ability only works with direct/uninterrupted eye to eye contact, which somewhat limits the actions Adam might be able to dictate, as they will generally have to be in some fashion facing him, and can also be broken by a third party's intervention (either because they know what's going on, or inadvertently by interposing themselves between he and the subject in an attempt to shake them out of whatever spell they appear to be in). Also, while the life pacted subject will find themselves generally -wanting- to look into his eyes for aforementioned reasons in the Devil's Charm description, they are likely to look away in order to take certain actions if so directed (For example, if he tells them to pick up a nearby object, they will do so in a normal fashion, which might constitute turning and reaching for it rather than backstepping to maintain eyecontact with him and groping around on whatever surface the object is on), which will break the influence as normal.

Projected Power Growth & Development: With time and growth or refinement of his genetic gift, Adam might find his Devil's Charm ability capable of more weakly influencing someone without direct eye contact if in close proximity to him perhaps, or that it may have some residual length of effect for a few seconds or longer after eye contact is broken. Also possible, his gene might allow for the expression of a bond to more than one animal at a time with sufficient growth, and splintered, diffused influence over more than one person or animal in that way?

Skills: Adam's skillset includes the normal American teenager; proficiency with a wide variety of personal electronics, the normal range of educational proficiencies, playing video games, and socializing. He's also a decent runner/track athlete, and fairly proficient amateur free-runner/parkour hobbyist.

Background: The child of an attorney and social worker, Adam and his sister Cessara have lived an upper middle class life, he doing well in track while his sister's after-school life was dominated by swimming. It wasn't until his early teen years that his parents began to notice an odd influence where household animals were concerned. A slightly strange child by high school, he enjoyed relative popularity despite the quiet unease an unnamed air of strange inspired, often knowing details of his peers' lives without ever being told and the bizarre capacity for turning grudging classmates into sudden friends. This eldritch reputation eventually backfired when several of the girls he'd been dating formerly began to accuse him of having bewitched them when they were dating, and amidst rising gossip and hostility among others in the student body (and shortly thereafter, faculty), he was promptly disenrolled by his parents as they began looking for...alternative venues of education.

Criminal Record: N/A

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Adam's sister, Cessara, may or may not be a mutant as well. Mun is open to someone taking up that mantle should the interest arise, or to leaving said sibling as an NPC backdrop.
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