Zane Hawkins

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Zane Hawkins

Post by Hazmat32 »

IRC Nickname: `Tim

Name: Zane Hawkins
Alias: None yet
Age: 17
Date of Birth: Nov 2, 1992
Hometown: San Diego, Ca

Height: 5’9
Weight: 158 lbs
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: Dark Brown almost black
Nationality/Race: white

Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Zane is a quiet shy kid that is mostly ashamed of his powers but he comes alive when you get to know him.

Physical Description: Zane has grown a few inches and while still thin he has more of a swimmers or gymnast build. Zane's previously short black hair is about shoulder length and despite his time in the sun he is still a pale white guy, Zane isn’t bad looking and girls tend to describe him as cute. Zane doesn’t really have one style but he is usually seen in a black hoodie that has a white spider design on the back and a web design on the right arm.

Character Picture (Optional):


Mutation/Powers: Spider Shifter

Primary :
Spider Form: this isn’t some cross between human and spider, Zane transforms into a huge 450 pounds spider granting him all of a spiders abilities including enhanced sight and smell, jumping ability, wall crawling, webs, durability, strength, speed, agility and yes the ever pleasant
venomous bite… all the things a giant mutant spider would have. Spiders can also regrow lost limbs over a very long period of time.

Human Form: In this form Zane is mostly human, he cant web-sling, wall-crawl, or make incredible leaps, and is just as squishy as any normal human though his physical stats are a little improved granting him enhanced smell, strength (200 lbs max), speed and agility (that of a very well trained athlete), and he has fangs that can deliver a venomous bite if he got that close.

Secondary : Swarm Form: this is kind of a side power to the one above but what it means is Zane can transform partially (form just one spider) or fully into a huge swarm equivalent of his body weight in poisonous spiders, though these spiders are just as squish-able as any normal spider. Zane can control these spiders with his mind cause well they are a part of him and he can see through there eyes. If when fully transform too many of these spiders are killed Zane will be unable to reform until whats left of him devours or adds more spiders to the swarm (enough to replenish what he lost) and if all are killed he will die.

Tertiary : Creepy Vibe: Like it or not spiders are creepy and Zane can attempt to invoke a feeling in a person or people that is just unnerving and would make then uncomfortable, creeped out, intimidated, or an eerie feeling, as if they were being watched.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : Zane's physiology is much closer to a spiders then a humans which means while he can eat normal food, he needs blood to survive and keep his muscles working. While maybe not a huge drawback animals or other feral type mutants tend not to like Zane and they react badly around him

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? Zane’s powers are pretty much as evolved as they are going to get, he might get a little stronger in his human form and his spider form will grow larger as Zane himself grows up, his apex predator power might get stronger as well.

Background: Zane grew up like a normal kid with a normal dysfunctional family but things weren’t to bad over all and he even had a few friends and a nice girlfriend, that is until he gained his powers. We all know that teenagers can be cruel but when you have the ability to become a giant spider, shunning you will become practically a sport even his parents were suddenly wary of there only son. So Zane’s parents sent him to cobalt loosely disguising as a way to help there kid but it didn’t take to much effort to see that these people just wanted there spider kid out of the house.

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!): Zane hates his power! Let’s face it, Zane’s power is creepy and if given the chance will lie about it! Zane is studying to be an entomologist and knows tons about bugs and arachnids.
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