Be Vewy Vewy Qwiet, We're Huntin' Kaywas

Be Vewy Vewy Qwiet, We're Huntin' Kaywas

Postby Sisip » Sun Oct 05, 2014 12:20 pm

* Kyrstin was lounging in the rec this afternoon, dressed in a pair of jeans and a sweater top, sheltering from the fall temperatures.
<@Sisip> Sisip wanders in, the woman wearing a pair of short-shorts, a tanktop and a pair of sandles. There were perks to being her, one of them was being able to adjust the air temperature around her, keeping it perfect all the time. She looks over to Kyrstin and drops down onto one of the chairs, "We're going to the warehouse tonight."
* Kyrstin looks over as the door opens, looking the woman over. Lucky... she waves a little bit. "Right... I cant guarantee she's alone in there."
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. Nodding a bit she sighs softly, "We'll find out. This isn't really going to be a stealth mission. One of the clones had one of her powers, we have to assume that she's not alone, that there -may- be one of them who can feel us approach."
<Kyrstin> Which is why she was being told to come along. The Kayla-equivilant of a flashbang, really. "Any idea when JJ will be ready?"
* Kyrstin_ ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. She shakes her head, "I'll be talking to him tonight. I'm sure he's been ready for a while though."
* Kyrstin_ nods, mood a bit more somber now. "At least itll be over with."
* Nova is now known as AnE
* Kyrstin_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
* TwinbeeMkII ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
* TwinbeeMkII ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
* Kyrstin decides to find a more upbeat subject. "What're you going as for halloween?"
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. She smiles softly and shrugs her shoulders just a bit, "I don't know yet. Maybe a superhero." She chuckles.
* Kyrstin giggles. "So that'd be less fabric than your current attire." she sticks her tongue out briefly. "At least you wouldnt be cold. I still have no idea what i'm going for."
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. She grins widely, "I've actually got an idea. Back when we were young and silly and thought that having a costume was a good idea." She pulls out her phone and begins to flick through photos. She hands it over to Kyrstin and there's Sisip standing in all her injiny glory. ( ... dSisip.jpg ) She snickers, "Yeah, I don't mind the whole 'nice temperature all the time' thing, lemme tell yah." She tilts her head and purses her lips, snickering, "I've got an idea. You should go as a member of the XTeam."
* Kyrstin looks at the picture, eyebrows rising a bit. "Immune to cold you may be, but a gust of wind'll have you giving quite the show in that..." note to self, accidentally place a blowing fan nearby the doorway. "The xteam? I... dunno, it'd be kinda hard to get the outfit to look right."
* TwinbeeMkII is now known as Megumi`Ogata
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. Sisip laughs, "Thongs really are a gals best friend when she's playing dressup." Reaching up she taps her lower lip with a fingertip, "I could get you an authentic one. It does come with a few requirements, however."
* Kyrstin puts mental images of Sisip in a thong to one side. "How thick of a rental agreement does something like that have?" she holds up her hands about... 6 inches apart.
* Megumi`Ogata peeked into the room, hair up in pigtails, wearing his usual glasses with a pencil behind his ear, wearing a cute denim overall dress and sneakers with a pink tee "Did someone mention costumes?"
* Angel`Pearson popped into the rec-centery area, smiling when Sisip and Krystin were spotted. He wore a wool poncho-thing in dark blue, with big gold buttons marching down the front in pairs, and black armwarmers with a large blue star on the back of each hand, along with a pair of skinny jeans and his kneehigh star boots, making his way over to where the pair sat to hop into a seat of his
<Angel`Pearson> own "You'd look great in the outfit Krystin...Not Angel-good, but good."
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. She purses her lips a bit, "I could give you the schpeal of great power comes great responsibility?" She tilts her head, "It wouldn't quite be a rental, it would more like.. actually working for the XTeam." As Megumi and Angel come in the injin gives them a smile, "Evening you two."
* Megumi`Ogata grins at Angel "Well..not everyone can look as good as us I guess"
* Kyrstin 's head does some rotating.. first Megumi's head pops in, and she waves with a smile. Typical that the moment clothing starts getting mentioned, Megumi's on the scene... must be part of his powers. Then Angel enters the room in his own wall of fashion. She waves to him too, but then her gaze returns to Sisip, brows knitting. "I'm not really the front-lines-fighter kind of mutant..."
* Kyrstin which was her standard response now when it came to mention of the team and herself, but it was a bit of a unsure hesitation rather than a refusal this time.
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. Nodding the injin gives a bit of a smile, "You're not, no. People tend to forget that a good team consists of more than just brute force." Slender shoulders shrug just a bit, "A well rounded team needs people like you." She knew that most people thought superheroes only punched things but Sisip had been around long enough to realize this was far from true.
* Angel`Pearson snickersnickered when Megumi spoke before blinking when the question Sisip asked registered, a little frown forming at Krystin's answer "You should think about it! Sisip's right!"
<Megumi`Ogata> Heck I eventually made the cut...there's alot more to it than hitting things
* Kyrstin looks around the room, and then back to the indian woman. "S'not the sort of job I had in mind." that lline probablly only made sense between the two of them, but she mulls things over to herself. "What exactly are the requirements?"
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. Her lips curl into a smile as she winks at Angel. Megumi gets a nod before Sisip turns back to Kyrstin, "You help the xteam when it's needed, respond to any calls that you can handle. You'll end up in the media at times, so beating up babies is a bad idea." Digging into her purse she pulls out a black folder, handing it to Kyrstin. "So long as you remain a member your insurance is covered, medical, dental, visian, life, and you get a substantial monthly allowance plus a fee for events you assist with."
* Megumi`Ogata hops up into a chair, his sketchbook in his lap "Plus you get to look cute in your costume"
* Kyrstin arches an eyebrow at the presence of the folder. She'd been prepared for this. "Somehow i dont think 'Blindness caused by psychic power' gets covered by your standard vision plan..." but she reaches for the folder anyway. "Media isnt a problem... noone knows me." at least, noone that would remember, or give a damn.
* Angel`Pearson blinked as the folder was whipped out and handed Krystin's way, a little grin forming. Yay planning! Angel heart Sisip.
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. She raises an eyebrow at Megumi, "Yes, because that's important when it comes to saving lives. How cute you look." Looking back to Kyrstin she chuckles softly, "But that's the thing. They'll make sure you are known. The media is rough on the team. You're gonna need a thick skin, but if you can get past that? Kyrstin, I wouldn't do any other job. I've had the chance, each time I think I've left I get drawn back in." She catches Angels grin and laughs. Sisip was wise and enjoyed planning things like this.
* Kyrstin opens the folder and glances over the contents briefly. "I'm going to need time to read this, of course..." she murmers, and then glances up at the two gay men in the room. "Okay, let's hear it. I know you two are bursting at the seams to start spouting codenames."
* Megumi`Ogata blinks, looking to Angel then back at them "Who me?"
* Angel`Pearson the grin grew when he heard Sisip laugh, flopping over into her side before blinking as Krystin spoke, another little snicker escaping "I actually took foreeeeever to settle on a codename I even half liked, and even then it was sortuv half-heartedly."
* JJ ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
* JJ is now known as Kraken
* Kyrstin would have given Sisip's phone back to her btw. A while ago.
* Kyrstin totally would not have gone snooping through the camera either.
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. She nods just a bit, "Take all the time you need, so long as it's less than a week." She smirks. She did have her phone back, and has been using it often.
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. Loves texting.
* Megumi`Ogata couldn't help himself "You know..if you need help coming up with a personalised look..I just happen to be something of a design buff myself"
* Kyrstin smiles at Megumi. "Thanks. I'll let you know, Megumi... I havent even seen what i'd look like in one."
<Angel`Pearson> You'll look great. Definitely.
* Kyrstin mumbles something about needing to work out more.
<Kyrstin> Anyway, wernt we supposed to be doing something tonight? *she says to Sisip*
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. The injin nods, standing. "We are, yes. I was hoping we'd have a few more offensive abilities with us, but we do as we must, yes?" She stretches a bit, "Get suited up, I'll be heading this one. I'll meet you by the front gate in fifteen minutes."
<Kyrstin> Uhm... question. No, two questions.
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. She was heading towards the door when the Kyrstin spoke. She looked over her shoulder towards her, "Hmmm?"
<Kyrstin> One... where does one get suited up? Two... how did you get my measurements?
<AnE> Somewhere, Seven whistles as she flips through a book.
* Kraken is now known as JJ
* @Sisip 's lips curl into a grin, she loved this part. Taking a business card from within her cleavage she flicks it towards Kyrstin. It's address is in one of the apartments here in Cobalt. "You meet my Wang." The card said simply 'Wang' and had a phone number. "He's already got your suit in the works. The smaller details can be handled on the spot, my Wang is most talented like that."
* Kyrstin watches the card closely as it's withdrawn from cleavage, somewhat uncoordinatedly catching the thing. She hesitates at the first "You meet my wang", glancing curiously at Sisip as she hadnt read the card yet. When she finishes the thought the girl actually looks at the card. Oh. "I see... or will see."
* Angel`Pearson ran off to change as they spoke, snickering at the Wang joke.
<JJ> of course JJ knew something was going down. He was practically one with machines and their connections. That and he was a close friend to all Kaylas big and small. Wait that wasn't right. All the Kaylas were exactly the same size, but JJ still thought his analogy stood and made sense. Even the Kayla that smacked him across the face was astill a friend in JJ's book - a book that probably
<JJ> needed a better dictionary. But, back to the issue at hand. JJ was geared up in that ridiculous mission suit of his that at one point been the boy's halloween costume until he'd modified the thing extensively. But in JJ's heart it was still his first halloween costume. It resembled a Tron costume but was now more uniform, and edgier, more gimicky and Cobalty - and yes. He'd finally gotten
<JJ> rid of the glowing blue lines - or at least them being on all the time... JJ rolled through the quad on his feet skates and would wait by the front gate.
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. She grins, "You will see. He's quite the ladies man, don't let him distract you, we've got a job to do." As she heads off she taps out more messages, the woman going up to get changed.
* Kyrstin mumbles something about enough distractions as it is, and heads off to Wang to get dressed.
* Megumi`Ogata blinks, looking between them "Are we on call?"
<JJ> And of course he had some goodie-bags with him, courtesy of his father's inventions - enough for everyone on the team and then some. He waited for the others to be ready. Time to save the world!
* Kyrstin arrives at the front gate a little while later, dressed in an x-team uniform.
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. She heads down the hall and out of the apartment complex. The injin was dressed for action, the skin tight black catsuit snug, a black belt with pouches resting around her waist. Her dark hair is pulled up into a ponytail to keep it out of her way. A small backpack is slung over her shoulder. In her hand she holds a dozen or so earbuds. The word had gone out, to everyone she could think of, that assistance was needed. She looks up and spots Kyrstin and JJ.. and sighs softly.
* Angel`Pearson ran up a bit after Krystin in his own uniform, the platformy boots with blue stars dotted along the lace holes kept from the previous outfit, along with a pair of black fingerless gloves sporting a trio of blue stars on the back, and a small black messenger bag on his hip.
* Megumi`Ogata would quickly come running up to the others, wearing his own version of the x suit, domino style mask and hood pulled up, cape flittering behind him as he looked to them "What's the mission?"
* Mister_Shoebox ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
* Kyrstin looks around at the others as they show up, taking in each one's personal choice of style.
<JJ> and his Auntie Sisip sighed. Why did she always do that when he was trying to help? Everyone had their own Going on a Quest suit and this was his. At least it no longer looked like a costume costume! This was his Super Suit. An exo-suit type thing that perfectly matched with his prosthetic arm, giving the boy an overall robot look complete with a masked helmet. Any dissapointment he
<JJ> felt from Sisip disapeared though once Megumi showe up with a cape on.
<Mister_Shoebox> Somewhere, Dell senses he must pour many drinks...He shrugs and puts on the Good Jack.
<Mister_Shoebox> He then goes back to his nap.
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. Moving over to JJ she reaches up and ruffles his hair, "Alright everyone, grab your earbud. We're going to a warehouse. We don't know what's there, who's there, or how many there are. We're going after .. her.." She holds up a photo of Kayla Boyle, adorable redhead. "We need her alive, unharmed. We don't know if she will know we're here, so we go in assuming she'll already be on her guard."
* Angel`Pearson reached to snag one of the earbuds to pop it in, listening as Sisip spoke. These missions with the Kay clones were so damn depressing. He sortuv mostly knew...or at least hoped, that gathering them all together would be for the eventual good but it was still a shit job. The reaction of the last one had really really sucked.
<JJ> "Are we finally going to have all the ones still out there tonight?" He asked hopefully, after Gah!ing when Sisip messed up his hair. He would hand out the Clarktech to everyone. The non-lethal Clarktech of course. JJ wasn't trying to kill his CloneFriends. Then the helmet would be placed on. "Let's do this and fix Kayla up..." And hopefully not kill the individual people the clones
<JJ> had become by now... "It still feels like murder..." He's whisper that last part to himself.
* Megumi`Ogata frowned but kept quiet, sticking with the group
* JJ ( Quit (Quit: brb)
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. Nodding a bit she heads towards the van, "This should be it, JJ, after this we should have them all." Sisip tries to recount the numbers in her head. She was terrible at numbers. "Everyone in." She understood how everyone felt, it wasn't as if Sisip woke up this morning and went How can I eliminate a shitton of redheads from the world today.
* Kyrstin climbs into the van quietly. She was still getting used to the feeling of the suit on her, and not particularly thinking about the future of the Kaylas.
* JJ ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
* Angel`Pearson hops into the van after Krystin to take a seat. It would be super nice if this was the last one that they had to chase down "Hopeso."
* Megumi`Ogata sat beside the others, looking down abit "I hate missions like these.."
<JJ> "Three." JJ supplied. Of course the boy would be good at math, it was the technical sciences he excelled at. But biology? He could pass it but living things didn't hold the same passion in the boy that machines and technology did. "Are.. Are we going with the bait strategy to catch them?" He climbed in after of course stroking the car, petting and whispering to it as though it were
<JJ> a horse.
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. She sighs softly, "JJ, we're going in with nothing. This is a snatch and grab." The van drives through the city. "We go in, incapacitate them..." She looks over to Angel pointedly, "Tie them up and bring them home." She looks to Kyrstin, "I'll need you to dig in as much as you can, grab anything from them that you can. Numbers, locations, anything that can help us."
<Kyrstin> Help us with what?
<@Sisip> "Locating them, trapping them, anything."
<Kyrstin> There... are no more?
<Kyrstin> I tapped into all of them, remember? This is the only one unaccounted for.
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. Her lips purse, "META has the number at three remaining."
<JJ> "Oh... well, alright then. Stealth-mode it is... Anyone bring chloroform?" He sighed, even JJ knew it was a bad joke. "I'll take care of surveillance cameras."
* Kyrstin frowns, but says nothing.
<Angel`Pearson> Anyway if you can help us get an idea of what's inside the warehouse it'd be way better then just running in blind *he helped himself to some of the goodies JJ had brought along as they drove.*
<@Sisip> The van pulled up outside the warehouse. It was really just that, an empty looking building, no lights visible. Sisip steps out of the van. She tosses everyone a single SND. "We don't know if she, they, have any powers, make sure to get this on her as soon as you can.
* Kyrstin catches the SND, climbing out of the van and looking up at the warehouse in question.
* Mister_Shoebox ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
* Megumi`Ogata caught the SND, looking around "You know me...if it works out they don't see me coming"
<JJ> Eeped as Sisip tossed him the nullification device. He fumbled and nearly dropped the horrible item. Even with his uniform's gloves on the boy didnot appear to want to touch one of the things that terrified him the most. A stronger version of that little device had cost him an arm. U..un... underst stood, Auntie Skieweaver."
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. She nods as she heads towards the building, motining everyone after her. "Kyrstin, can you tell if there's anyone in there?"
* Kyrstin shakes her head. "Not until I lay eyes on someone. I cant grope blindly."
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. She nods, looking over to JJ, "Do they have any cameras in there?"
* Angel`Pearson stepped out to catch the device as it was tossed his way, shoving it into one of the front pockets on his bag and following after Sisip as she headed for the building.
* Lukas` ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
<JJ> "Already on it Skieweaver." He'd slipped into the team naming. This was an important mission afterall! They were finally going to gather the last of the Kaylas and fix the duplicate clone multiple problem... By murdering the extras.. - that last part his conscience kept yelling at and nagging him. He just... the doubles had been apart for so long and could be there own people by now...
<JJ> JJ swallowed and thought of #19. "Yes. There are cameras..."
<Kyrstin> Find me someone, JJ. All i need's a peek.
<JJ> "Errm.. can you read my mind as I'm looking through the cameras?"
<Kyrstin> I... dont think so? Maybe? It'd be easier if you can just point out someone i can sneak a look at without arousing suspicion..
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. Sisip looks to Kyrstin, "Do you think you could do that and stay out of range of her detection? We have to assume that she can."
* Kyrstin considers. "JJ, can you telll if someone's watching the cameras?"
<JJ> "They... there are.. three Kaylas in there. Not paying attention to the camera." He sounded sad. "They look like hobos... like classic movie hobos. Filthy clothes, burning fire, can of beans..."
* Kyrstin frowns, then looks at Sisip. "You're the best play, you know. If I go near the place and they've got detection powers... they'll run for it.
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. She shakes her head, "I don't know about that, I'm the face of META." She looks to Angel and JJ, "You two, We need you to go in there and distract them." She looks to Kyrstin, "Can I rely on you to try to incapacitate them if they choose to run?" Sisip hated to go that route, but sometimes you had to do what you had to do.
* Kyrstin looks uncomfortable. "I dont know if I can get all three at once. I've never tried to do my thing on more than one person."
* Megumi`Ogata looked between them before looking to Sisip "What should I do?"
* Kyrstin_ ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
* Angel`Pearson double checked the SND on his wrist when Sisip mentioned Kay's detectiony-powers. Being safe was good. When JJ spoke to describe the scene a small frown formed "..Nobody else?" It was sad...but, hobo beans? So cliche. When Sisip spoke he nodded "Okay. Where are they inside specifically?"
* ThalinVien is now known as TV
<JJ> Slipped the XND into his goodie bag like it was a tainted item he couldn't wait to no longer be touching. "I'm on it, Skie." Inside he flet like a terrible terrible traitor person who she be punished for distracting the doubles, capturing them, and then doing whatever they would end up doing to them. "That's all I saw, - Angel And they're in a corner in aa big empty room. I can
<JJ> lead you there... Let's just get this over with." He swallowed. "She.. she trusts us..."
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. She watches Megumi for a moment, then she raises an eyebrow. "Alejandro." She pauses, trying to decide whether she should go down this route, then realized it was better to do this than it was to let META send in an elimination squad. "Megumi, you know what Alejandro Rivera looks like, yeah? Midas? I need you to look like him. Don't worry about acting like him, I'm going to need you to go in there with Angel and JJ." The trifecta. All they needed was Sunder and they'd be able to get the girls to walk out voluntarily. "I will hang back with Kyrstin." Sure, if one of them could 'feel' mutation they'd know Alejandro wasn't real, but Sisip was going more for the shock value than anything.
* Megumi`Ogata thought about it and slowly nodded "I've been practicing..I can probably hold it for as long as we long as things stay calm" With that he closed his eyes and concentraited. Golden pretty boy. Shouldn't be hard. Slowly his features began to change, his stature heightening, hair turning curley, until the spitting copy of Midas stood before them
* Kyrstin_ starts looking around, identifying the exits she could see, trying to identify escape paths. "JJ, if noones watching those cameras, make them blind. If things go bad i dont want a record of what i have to do.
* Angel`Pearson head bobbed in another small nod as JJ spoke, the frown growing. These missions sucked "I know.."
<JJ> "Try not to let them touch you skin on skin. She'll boost or drain you, but you guys probably know that." And their uniforms offered protection. "I'll leave my helmet off, in case they can't sense." Yea, because who else would dress up like JJ? He left the helmet in the car. Got it, Kyrstin. They're down." And on second thought.. as long as it was off... JJ intergrated the powered
<JJ> off SND and a few of the other goodies into his body, He'd expell them later when needed. The less geared up he appeared the less suspicious the Kaylas would be. "Ok... I'm ready." He'd hop out of the car. Time to bring them home...
<@Sisip> The warehouse is quiet, the Kaylas where they were when JJ peeked in on them, one of them eating some beans. Because... what else do Kayla's on the run eat? Sisip nods, "Good luck in there, gentlemen." This would be easy, right? Maybe. Who knows!
* Megumi`Ogata straitened up, looking Midas's usual style of dress, all the world looking like the real deal "Ok...let's hope this works"
* Angel`Pearson nodded when Sisip wished them luck, and made his way along beside JJ, letting him lead. It probably wasn't going to be easy. Even if they came along placidly it wouldn't be easy. Stupid heart-hurty missions.
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. Sisip stayed behind, letting JJ guide the small trio through the warehouse. The warehouse was generic. It smelled faintly like fish, most likely the warehouse for sardines, as indicated by the large billboard outside. As they make their way deeper into the building they start to very faintly hear talking, though it's still far enough away to not hear words in particular.
<JJ> Stupid heart-hurty mission was exactly what JJ was thinking to, but he went with it. Maybe they could help the copies. Maybe he'd be able to look at himself in the mirror after this. They would all live hapily ever after... Yea right. Fairy tales were the only place this happened.. and only greatly babified fairy tales. JJ would know. He'd met real fairies, And they were mean. He's lead
<JJ> the small group to where he saw the hoboKaylas
<@Sisip> As they draw closer to the Kaylas the words start to actually make sense, "We could, you know. It wouldn't be that difficult." "Three of us? Don't you think that'll be a little obvious when we walk in?" "Well, just one of us goes to the bank, gets the money and walks out. Easy peasy." "Then?" "Then we go. Leave. Canada maybe? The arctic?" One of them whines a bit, "But we hate being cold." There's a sigh, "Alright, fine, we'll go to Mexico."
* Angel`Pearson those faeries -had- been total bitches. When they began to draw closer and he overheard the trio planning his heart broke a little more. Why -couldn't- the Kayla-triplets vanish off to mehico for south of the border shenanigans?...Probably some complex metaphysical whatnot or something...but it sucked. Of course they were also calmly discussing a bank heist. Robbery was bad.
<JJ> Looked to Angel and Megumi with a sad are you hearing this too? kind of look on his face. They were planning on ending up in jail by the sound of things. Robbing a bank and taking off out of the country. It'll never work out as much as JJ wanted them to be safe they couldn't. JJ continued to sneaky sneak on closer. They hadn't reacted to his presense so that was a good sign. They didn't
<JJ> have powers. Orrr he just wasn't close enough to them yet. He peeked with the cameras for a moment to see all over. They were in a corner... This was going to make sneaking hard! Unless the Kaylas came out to them. Or our heroes could go the ambush route... JJ sent the message over the comms. "Sneak or ambush? Their back are to the walls. A sneak is going to be hard..."
<@Sisip> The girls continue to plan their big escape down to Mexico, which included having to steal shampoo, because one didn't go into a bank looking like homeless bums and ask to take money out of their account.
* Megumi`Ogata whispered "Keep them calm enough to get us close..I can take at least one myself"
<@Sisip> The Kay's keep talking, while eating beans.
<JJ> "I can take on another. They don't appear to notice us yet, so maybe they don't have powers. Makes this a whole lot easier." He'd crack his knuckle - of course only the right hand cracked, the left had no bones and therefore no fluid pockets to pop and make the crack sound with. Sneaky time. JJ could do this. He knew how to ninja on over.
* Angel`Pearson nodded, flipping the flap on his bag open to expose the pockets on its front where the goodies he's snagged earlier, and his dosed blades were kept. When JJ spoke he looked over, echoing the sentiment "That would make this a little easier.."
<Lukas`> What was that sound? Was that..was that a motor? Lights from a vehicle pulling up towards the warehouses loading doors. It was a truck. A big, blue truck. The driver not visible through the darkly tinted glass. It was a few minutes before anything happened; the driver apparently shuffling around in the cab. The door opened, and a man stepped out. Tall, broad shouldered white guy. Hair
<Lukas`> kept short in a buzzcut, blue eyes all wild and fevered. Glad in black jeans, big'ole boots and other assorted lookin clothes. He pulled his coat tight around him, stridling towards one of the doors. Fuckin sardine place. I swear, Im gonna make a 'sleep with the fishes' joke before the nights over. I can feel it He was heard muttering to himself.
Session Time: Sun Oct 05 00:00:00 2014
<JJ> "Got the goodies stored inside me." He answered with that charming grin of his. "Machine merging, I love you. Never going to try out what happens if I turn the now internal SND on, especially not on a mission." He came too close to losing more than an arm the last time he tangled with a dampener while things were in his body. "Maybe next time we could rig some gas grenades with that.
<JJ> We'd need masks of course." And he's set off to ninja over. At least this time he remembered that one does not chant 'ninja ninja ninja' whilst attempting to ninja. If the Kayla's notived him? And they would cause well... they had back to the wall like inadverdant geniouses they could SEE afterall. But they were distracted... JJ bit down a whimper and the want to say Just come home
<JJ> with me! We have showers and food!
<@Sisip> As the truck drew near Sisip froze, eyes wide. Her hand slips to hear ear, "We've got company, gentlemen." She pulls Kyrs down behind the van for a moment as she peeks out around it. Eyes narrow just a bit as she watches the fellow. Her hand slips downwards towards her belt, unbuttoning what appears to be a pouch full of ... nails? Yup! | Two of the Kayla's freeze as they hear the van. The third shakes her head, "Calm yourselves. It's just that guy. The guy that the lady told us about, remember?" The girls nodded, a bit uncomfortable. The Kayla who obviously knew more than the others did stood up and stretched, "Don't eat all the beans, okay? Or, at least get another can? We have to at least OFFER him something to eat, right?" That was polite, afterall. None of the Kaylas seemed to notice anything wrong right now, obviously they were without the original Kayla's feeling powers.
* Angel`Pearson the sound of the approaching vehicle got his attention, and when JJ continued on his ninja'ing unnoticed he assumed their powers weren't active, and reached down to switch off his own SND. He had doubted this was going to be easy. Their contact was probably some big giant whackjob with sooperstrength and invulnerability....and maybe deathray eyes.
<Lukas`> The man didnt seem worried about the situation. If he knew stuff was afoot, he didnt give off any hints in his stride or body language. To be fair, the aforementioned Lady only told him about a couple people looking to pull a bank job. He didnt know a thing about the clones, or the people watching, or any of it. Knocking on the door once, then twice..and then just pushing it open and
<Lukas`> barging inside. Okay, job is it? Smash'n grab or you guys got a plan... His voice trailed off as he caught sight of the three Kaylas; the triplets. Okay..sooo..what? Look of confusion on his face.
<@Sisip> Triplets AND redheads? Most men would be in heaven. Not Load though, he was merely confused. "I thought we were just gonna walk in?" LeaderClone sighed, "If we just walk in they'll recognize us, yeah? Know we've taken a lot of money. I know you don't want to do this, but this is the best way to do this." She looks back to the fellow and shakes her head, "My ... Sisters.. and I haven't done this before. We just need.. cash.. to get out of here. You can keep fifty percent." That should be more than enough, right?
<JJ> took another camera peek and ceased his ninjaing. "There's someone there... I see him... Skie. Engage? Wait it out?"
<Lukas`> Fifty? Jesus, thats the sweet smell of desperate. He grinned, licking hs lips. So c'mon, you seem to got some plan. Lemme in on it and we'll make it work. For that kinda money, 'Load was willing to be professional and heck..downright -helpful-. The triplet thing, he just chalked up to weirdness. He didnt recognize Kayla and miraculously hadnt seen any of the others.
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. Looking towards Kyrstin Sisip sighed, then looked back towards the building. Slinking out of the shadow of the van the injin woman made for the door to the warehouse, "We need to get those clones. On my way. Engage and have your companions focus on containment." It had been some time since Sisip had actually done anything like this, part of her was almost excited! The Clone-in-charge looked at Load and shrugged, "We.. don't. I mean, we do, but only after we get the money. We're going to Mexico." The money would help them get the IDs they'd need. "Do you know.. how to rob banks?"
* Angel`Pearson the voice was recognized faintly, he'd run into 'Load once or twice on various Cobalty outtings, but they'd had contact with alot of people of less then reputable character, and it wasn't recognized right off. As JJ asked his question he slipped one of his knives from the pocket on his bag, holding it ready as he heard Sisip answer "Got it." moving after his techie friend quietly so's to get closer for a better shot.
<JJ> Swallows and nodded to Angel. This was a big boy plan now. No long grab and flee. They had an unknown party there now, someone who apparently meant business, but it wasn't any baddy JJ was familiar with, but then again half the mutants on META's most wanted list were body swappers, shapeshifters, or host-needing parasites. Those abilities did not lend themselves well to having a valid
<JJ> photo identification. "I'll lock any electronic doors and shut the lights. Do you know who we're dealing with?.."
<Lukas`> Depends what you mean by 'Rob'. If you mean can I get money out of one, then heck yeah. Will it be clever and clean like a movie? Probably not. Loads plan for robbing a bank was to march in, Sandblast everyone and just take stuff. Mexico eh? Make sure you go to the south of mexico; otherwise you three pretty girls'll get eaten alive. Aim for the resort'll be easier to
<Lukas`> launder the cash.
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. Managed to get in through the doors easily, the short injin making little noise as she approaches. "Negative, couldn't get a positive ID, so be on your toes. I'm in the building, we may just have to do this loud and angry, confuse them." LeaderKayla shrugs, "I don't care how it's done. Just as long as.. nobody is hurt, you know?" She chews on her inner cheek, "South of Mexico. Gotcha." Obviously these girls weren't the type who were used to doing this sort of thing.
<Lukas`> 'Nobody hurt'. Yeah..we'll see about that. Best I can say is that I wont go out of my way to do it, but hey..its rough work. 'Load moved to warm his hands over the oildrum fire. That brought back memories..
<JJ> "Loud and confusing is what I do best! I'll get everything electronic to go aboslutely beserk - well except our equipment, naturally. Then we go in grab the kaylas and run out. That good? And if we have to fight mr. unknown. ok..." JJ was nervous but he's faced worse baddies before.
* Angel`Pearson another small blade was pulled from inside his bag, and he shook his head when JJ spoke "..I'm going to try to dope him and get him out of the way when you go nuts with the electronics. He's probably the only one packing a mutation or something, it could bite us in the ass if we just rush in and forget about him."
* Megumi`Ogata glanced to Angel "If push comes to shove, I can ry to envelop him and cut off his long as he doesn't have fire breath or eye lasers or something"
<@Sisip> One of the Kaylas in the back looked at Leader. "I told you, we can get some shampoo and just draw it from the account. It's not like we don't look like her." The leader shook her head, "No, this is easier. They'll find us." Leader looks over to Load and for a moment it appears as if she's going to go in for a hug. Instead she pauses and warms her hands as well. "Thank you, for this. I mean, I know it's for the money, but still. Thanks." Sisip finally found the small group and nods to JJ and Angel. "Three clones and an unknown." As Angel gives directions the injin nods, a hint of a proud smile on her lips.
<JJ> "Never planned on forgetting about him. Just.. We don't know who or what we're up against... ok go!" As JJ said go the electrics in the room would decend into chaos. Spooky lights flickering on and off, electronic doors would open and close, any machines nearby plugg in or not would mysteriously turn on and off.
<Lukas`> Look like her? The hell are you talking about? You got a forth sister? He had just assumed they were triplets; but now they were talking about someone else. His phone went balistic! Ringing and then The man stared at the phone, whose screen was strobing. He looked around at the lights, at the opening and closing loading doors; at all the chaos. Damnit! Dont tell
<Lukas`> me you three sold me out..I would be very unhappy if thats the case.. He shot them a wild eyed look. He was starting to unbutton his coat, probably trying to get to a holster.
* Angel`Pearson nodded when JJ said go, half stepping from cover, keeping some low sardine crates in front of himself he took aim at the chesty area of the male by the fire, using the knife in his off hand for a sight and whipping the doped up blade in his good one forward.
<@Sisip> Lead Kayla sighed a bit, "Yeah, we .. do.. have another sister." Yeah, she sounded SO convincing. As things started to go wonky the trio of redheads freeze, colour draining from their skin. Leader saw him go for the 'gun' and wailed, "NO! Not ... please... don't let them take us.. seventy five! You can have seventy five percent if you don't let them take us." She slinks backwards towards her sisters, the group wedging themselves in a corner. Sisip is hot on the heels of the small group, her arms extending outwards as the chilly air suddenly begins to churn and whip around in a frantic windstorm. The bin-fire is extingushed and knocks over loudly onto the floor.
<JJ> He felt a pang in his heart as one of the Kaylas cried out about them being taken away... JJ was probably going to blow it by talking but there wasn't anything else left to do but fight or talk... or both. "No!" He called out. "We're here to get you home! Showers, food, and shelter! You'll be warm again and safe! No more fire and beans! Cobalt is your home. We only want to help you!
<JJ> It's me, JJ!" JJ, the really bad liar under normal circumstanses, but this? He really believed it.
<Lukas`> Thunk! He paused in his work to get the coat open as the knife struck. He looked down, staring at it for a bit. And now I've been fuckin stabbed. Great. Gonna be o- Oh..hold on. Heck of a buzz on that.. His wild eyes got a bit wilder as the drugs on the blade kicked in. He wobbled on his feet, before he shook his head and straightened back up. Eyes fading back to their normal.
<Lukas`> Okay..enough of that. Any other day I'd be all over that high..but right now.. He got the gun free! Simple black automatic, nothin fancy. He held up his hand infront of his face against the wind, but the smile on his face grew wide. Cobalt? fuckers. I'm not even that surprised. Im mad, but not surprised. He yelled over the wind. His arm snapped out in the direction of JJs
<Lukas`> voice...BANG! Okay, so he wasnt aiming, just firint in the vauge direction.
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. "GUN" As if nobody had figured that out yet. As he fires towards JJ the injin bellows loudly and almost like an orchestra conductor she circles her arms in the air. It would have been amusing if it wasn't for the churning funnel of wind that appeared in front of her. Throwing her arms forward she pushed that mass of tornado towards Load. Gun? The Kayla's ate ground, flattening themselves against the floor. Fuck this. This guy was crazy!
* Megumi`Ogata stumbled and lost footing abit, unable to hold his form as he transformed back, all hell breaking loose, and now a gun in the mix. He looked to Sisip, screaming above the maelstrom "IF YOU GIVE ME SOME COVER I CAN GET HIM TO THE GROUND!!!"
* Angel`Pearson blinked as he heard the man go all yelly. It wasn't all too often someone took a big hit like that and remained standing and coherent enough to form complete sentances and fire a gun at the same time. He could totally respect that if the guy weren't shooting at his friend at the moment. He crouched and dashed for another group of low crates for cover before rising to throw the second blade Load's way.
<JJ> He had a gun! JJ screamed and jumped behind a big layer of sardine crates. The lights went even more flickering and crazy. JJ feargully peaked out from behind the crates. "He.. shot at me..." Anger burned in JJ's eyes. Guns. A gun was how he lost his motorcycle. He yelled and brought out his right arm, one of the Clarktech goodies emerged from its hiding place withing the tech
<JJ> merger's body. Stun gun time. JJ would return fire at 'Load.
* AnE ( Quit (Quit: durr hburr technology is bad fire is scary and thomas edison was a witch)
<Lukas`> Second thunk! The poking feeling of the stungun. Now ya see, 'Load might not feel the pain from those events, but they were still damaging. His muscles involuntarily spasmed, the thunk from the knife made him step back..and then the wind. The net result of all that, is that 'Load had brought his gun arm against his torso, his other arm up to shield his face from the windstorm. He was
<Lukas`> half crouched, working to keep himself on his feet and to struggle against the wind. Thank god for the noise, for no doubt the string of profanity he was undoubtable unleashing was something else.
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. "Megumi, get the clones to the van!" The girls were obviously terrified, having no idea what to do and not a single one of them with a functional xgene. Sisip's arms begin to wave in front of her and that wind churns and writhes and starts to form a wind barrier... AROUND the guy with the gun!
* Megumi`Ogata looked back to the guy with the gun. Guess they had this in hand. He made his way towards the trio, doing his best not to let his tiny form get tossed away by the wind. "Sorry about this you guys but...any port in a storm!" With that he suddenly spread his form out, almost like a huge blanket, and began to wrap around them, trying to bundle them up so they couldn't move
<JJ> "Kayla! Please, all of you. Get to the van. You're my friends. I want you to be safe, please." He was back to ducking and wondering what this guy was made out of to be so resiliant. Anf yes some part of JJ was trying not to be distracted by his Auntie's airbending. Annnd Megumi had them convered. Literally. JJ would move after them, keeping cover on them with his stun gun. The lights
<JJ> were still flickering in his fright. Sisip would make it out on her own, right?... JJ changed his mind. Once he was sure Megumi and the Kaylas were on their way, he'd rejoin the fray. He wasn't leaving Sisip alone!
* Angel`Pearson was there too! Mostly hiding behind some of the crates at this point so's not to be fired upon. When JJ, and Megumi began their getaway with the clones he yelled after the crouching, cursing, tripping 'Load "Sorry guy!" ..With zero sarcasm. Dude had only been trying to help some pretty triplets knock over a bank...Not all -that- turrible in the scheme o' things.
<Lukas`> The hells going on?! He roared. The wind sort of let him, and he got his bearings. The gun was still in hand, but he no longer was leveling it at the folks there. It took him a second to realize that it was the triplets they wanted, not him. He stood back up straight, and glared. No sandblaster yet, it wasnt that serious a fight yet. Y'know. I dont even fuckin care! Take'em. I aint
<Lukas`> getting that seventy five now, so the hell I have any stake here. He took the time to reach down and pull the knives out of chest, tossing them aside into the windwall.
<@Sisip> The Kaylas, overwhelmed by the chaos, don't do much of anything, letting a very stretch Megumi wrap around them and take them out to the van. The last of the 'wild clones' gathered up. Now there was nothing left but Load. As Load settles down the injin calls out "XTeam, we have the package, retreat." She looked towards JJ before she turned back to Load. She didn't drop her wind, however, making sure her team had time to extract.
<JJ> Retreat! JJ didn't need to be told twice. He was off and running! Who was that... who did they run into and how... What were his powers?!
* Angel`Pearson offered "It's complicated!" by way of an answer for the mostly confused criminal-guy. It was. Reallyreally complicated. When the retreat was called he ran off after JJ. Yes! Who had been that yelly, vulgar man? He could sure handle his stuff.
* Megumi`Ogata might as well have been a giant ball rolling away, slamming into the van before doing what can only be described as spitting the three up into the back
<Lukas`> So..Cobalt eh? Nice. Listen, when you get back..tell Squid guy I say hi. He shot a mean grin. He hadnt given a name, but he somehow figured they'd figure it out eventually. He holstered his gun again, and slipped his hands into his pockets.
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. As she watched the group leave the injin in the skintight catsuit took a few steps backwards and finally let her arms drop. The wind died out instantly. She tilts her head, watching Load. "Apolgoies for this. Wrong place, wrong time." When he mentions Kevin her lips curve down into a frown. "I will, if you give me your name."
<Lukas`> Nahhh. I spent enough time around that place of yours. Between you and those META people; you'll figure it out. He smirked, and turned on his heel to walk towards the door leading to his truck
<JJ> "Who was that?! What was that?!" The foul mouthed man with the gun was obviously someone with powers.
* Lukas` ( Quit
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. She wanders out and shrugs her shoulders, "No idea, and he didn't give a name, so I'm not going to worry about it right now." She chuckles softly as she moves over to JJ and looks him over, "He didn't hurt you, did he?"
<JJ> "He missed... Do you think he was a mutant? A mutant with a gun... he didn't use his powers... But.. he shot at me!" JJ was rattled but still on an adrenelin high. "Is everyone else ok?"
* Angel`Pearson shook his head at JJ's question "Not 100% sure. We didn't get a super good look, but he seemed kinduv familiar. I think we've run into him a couple times before. He was probably a mutant, yeah." he'd shrugged the dope off like it was nothing. Angel had been impressed "I'mokay."
* Megumi`Ogata was sitting on the ground, rubbing his belly with a queesy look on his face "That...wasn'"
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. loads everyone into the van and drives back to Cobalt, handing the girls over to the Maze. cause it's late.. and Andi's tiiiired.
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