Annalisa Ulric Robino [Sister Annalisa] [Religious Studies]

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Annalisa Ulric Robino [Sister Annalisa] [Religious Studies]

Post by Sisip »

IRC Nickname:

Name: Annalisa Ulric Robino
Alias: Sister Annalisa
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 12/25
Hometown: Stato della Città del Vaticano (Vatican City)

Height: 5'2
Weight: 130
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Grey
Nationality/Race: Italian

Occupation: Teacher of Religious Studies

Personality Profile: A friendly woman with a warm smile. Though she is the epitome of religious she understands that she is not the norm and that there are those who would not always agree with her. She refuses to push anyone towards religion, only wanting to help guide them should they choose, themselves, to walk that way. Annalisa is fluent in English, French and Italian and has almost no accent when speaking in either English or French. She was raised, physically and spiritually by Pope John Paul II and when he passed she mourned him like a child mourns the passing of her father. Her most prized possession is her hematite and white gold rosary, given to her for her 18th birthday by her father figure, Pope John Paul II. Though the Vatican has made it possible, through various bank accounts, for her to live in luxury Annalisa leaves the money for emergencies, living instead a humble life.

Physical Description: Most often seen wearing her robes and habit, however during the evenings if she is out and about she quite often wears a long black skirt, sensible shoes and a button up top. Her hair, when not pulled back into a bun to wear under her habit, falls to her shoulders in waves and she is never seen without her hematite and white gold rosary.

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Mutation/Powers: A seemingly religious based set of powers.

Primary : Holy Aura - This ability creates a golden aura around a target, illuminating them even in the darkest of night. It can span their entire body or be focused to a certain area (such as around their head like a halo). It is an entirely harmless glow that remains on her target as she's concentrating and 5 minutes afterwards.

Secondary : Stigmata - In actuality a focused telekinetic ability, Annalisa is capable of splitting open flesh to induce bleeding. This power initially presented itself to her as a mimicry of the Stigmata, effecting the forehand, hands and feet of an unfortunate individual, hence its name (also being the method she most typically uses to present this power, be it consciously or not). She cannot heal or reverse the flesh wounds that she has created, and they will remain until properly given medical treatment or healed by another mutant.

Tertiary : Truth Telling - Via a latent and very focused form of telepathy, Annalisa can give mental nudges to another person to urge them to tell her the truth. The harder Annalisa concentrates the less subtle her intrusion becomes, but more difficult to resist. At her strongest use of the power, the subject will be fully aware they are telling the truth, nearly helpless to stop themselves from speaking it.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : Holy Aura: After creating her Holy Aura Annalisa goes blind for a period of time depending on how long the Aura is held yet no longer than 6 hours.
Stigmata: During and after the creation of a Stigmata on a target Annalisa will bleed from her own eyes, nose and ears. The longer the Stigmata is held the heavier/longer she bleeds.
Truth Telling: During and after the subtle push towards telling the truth Annalisa begins to feel ill, stomach and head achey. This grows stronger the longer and harder she pushes.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future?
Her abilities are already at their peak.

Born to a young couple who worked in the Transportation Department she displayed her abilities almost instantly when a halo of golden light surrounded her little body. Because of the date of her birth and the angelic glow the religious world was rocked. The "Miracle Child" had been born in Vatican City. Wanting to keep the baby safe the Papacy 'bought' her from her birth parents. Erasing all links and giving the couple a hefty retirement package out in the country. Her life was good, the best tutors from around the globe brought to teach her, norm and mutant studies alike. When her two remaining powers displayed she was already quite on her way towards joining the convent. Her time with the Sisters was enjoyable but Annalisa longed to see the world. When Pope John Paul II passed she knew it was time to leave. She traveled about the world until finally coming to the United States. She'd been told of Cobalt University, where mutants went to "find" themselves in this world and applied for the position of Religious Studies seeking to help those who needed it most.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
She has ridden in the Pope-Mobile and her one complaint was "lack of air movement, it was rather stuffy."
She has Consular Protection in the United States of America.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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