Katie O'Fey

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Katie O'Fey

Post by Naphthalim »

Player Nickname: Stevie

Name: Katie O'Fey
Codename: none yet
Age: 24
Date of Birth: April 28, 1988

Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 120
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Gray
Place of Origin: California
Nationality/Race: American (mostly Irish w/ lots of other parts)
Classification/Origin of Powers: Supernatural

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Book store clerk. Does side work as a baker/caterer

Personality Profile:
Katie is a relatively quiet woman with a morbid sense of humor and seemingly gentle soul. She's prone to finding quiet places away from others where she can interact with nature/the world at large (i.e. a moon watching tree, or a hill where the wind blows strong). Her fiery side tends to emerge in arguments (political/philosophical) or any competitive event.

Physical Description: (Feel free to use text, an image, or both.)

Powerset: Connection to the Other side

Ability One: Deathsight - Katie can see and speak with ghosts as clearly as if they were normal people with the color drained out of them.

Ability Two: Echoes - Gets psychic flashes from objects that were important to people who have since passed away. The psychic flashes always revolve around the person and their relationship to the object.

Ability Three: Reaching through - With great effort, Katie can physically interact with those on the other side. This power has recently developed and she still cannot manage to use it most times she tries. When she can touch the other side, her hands take on a ghostly/wispy appearance.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Katie's powers never turn themselves off and can be quite overwhelming.
* Deathsight - Katie has swerved to avoid hitting ghosts when driving late at night. She doesn't go to cemeteries. Some pushier ghosts have kept her up at night. Some of the more frightening have caused her to leave an area and once during a job interview, vomit on the interviewer.
* Echoes - When caught up in the Echoes, Katie cannot do anything else. It sweeps over her putting her in the moments/visions leaving her susceptible to whatever may happen in the outside world. Some echoes have been so overwhelming as to knock her unconscious afterwards. The worst of them placed her in a coma for several days.
* Reaching Through - Katie is connected enough to the other side that she is susceptible to possession and other influences of the dead. While most ghosts do not have the ability to physically contact her, it is easier for them to reach her than it is for her to reach them. Also, when she is making contact with the other side. She cannot physically manipulate objects in the regular world.

Projected Power Growth & Development: The third power is the most obvious form of power growth and development. It seems as though her powers are making her closer and closer to the other side. Intermediate development would be a closer connection and ability to manipulate the other side. Way far in the future I'd assume she'd gain the ability to physically cross over and use powers/abilities associated with ghosts and hauntings.

Katie is an excellent cook. She likes to feed people. She is also a voracious reader and has a quirky base of knowledge.

Katie was born and raised in Oakland. Her Deathsight manifested early (around 6), eventually leading to her being medicated for several years. Upon reaching adulthood, she got a doctor to ween her off her medications and became increasingly involved in school and politics. With a degree in philosophy, Katie worked at a bookstore for a time.
Life seemed to be plodding along despite the oddity of what she'd see and hear until the day a friend asked her to come over and help her deal with something haunting her home. When Katie arrived, it had her friend's child and was going to climb inside. Katie instinctively grabbed it and threw it to the ground. It looked at her in fear and fled into the night. Katie, freaked out by what she was just able to do, did some research finding the Cobalt Academy and moved to attend.

Criminal Record:
Has been arrested several times at protests and other political functions.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
* She cannot swim and is a bit scared of learning.
* She loves the rain and will often go out into thunderstorms.
* She's a bad driver and has been in many fender benders
* She's a firm believer in rights over freedom and was at Occupy Oakland when things got ugly
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