Edward White [Rabbit]

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Edward White [Rabbit]

Post by ShockArcl1te »

Player Nickname: [Edward]

Name: Edward White
Codename: Rabbit
Age: 21
Date of Birth: January 27, 1991

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 185lbs
Hair Color: Dirty Blond
Eye Color: Greenish Blue
Place of Origin: Flint, MI
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee/Student
Occupation: College Student

Personality Profile: Edward can be wary or down right cold to those he meets for the first time, but under it all is the remains of a once humble and caring soul. Years of ridicule and general contempt from his family has made him bitter and withdrawn. This often comes into conflict with his own moral code, which obligates him to assist others or conduct himself as a gentleman. The result is a general annoyance with people, though most of the time he can keep cool and reasonable.

Physical Description: Edward has a tall frame with a slim to medium build. His hair is a dirty blond, short and slightly unruly. His complexion is slightly pale and his eyes seem ether tired or impassive. His style seems to be a cross between professional, lazy, and ornate: White dress coat, unbuttoned sleeves, with a high collar and long coat tail, always open to reveal a form fitting black t-shirt. He wears matching white slacks with a simple dark brown leather belt and gold plate buckle. On his feet he wears dark brown dress shoes to match his belt. Other items of note include a silver analog wrist watch, and finally his thin silver framed glasses. He can usually be found reading a book or listening to music while browsing on his phone.


Powerset: Hypertime - Hypertime (HT) (Sometimes referred to as "Bullet Time") is a separate phase of existence where time appears to move much slower than normal. The simple explanation is that an individual in hypertime has been sped up to the point where events taking place around that person appear to be slowed or stopped completely. People and most objects will appear to be frozen in place. Exceptionally quick objects or events that were too fast for the naked eye (I.E. bullets, a humming bird's wings, ect.) will become easily visible and move slowly from a hypertime vantage point. Conversely, objects moving in HT are impossible to see without augmented abilities or the aid of an exceptional high speed camera (Around 1,000,000 fps.)

Because events unfold so slowly in hypertime, many of the basic conventions of cause and effect are absent. Objects do not seem to fall in HT. Fire will not burn an individual existing at hyperspeeds. Sound is dulled or almost non-existent. One can walk on water or write their name in steam. There are of course exceptions, most notably electricity and light. An individual in hypertime will still be able to see and is still vunerable to electric shock as both electricity and light move at speeds that put even hypertime to shame.

In addition, the individual in hypertime is vulnerable to hyperspeed objects or entities such as railguns, powerful speedsters or others with the ability to step into HT space. Another aspect of hypertime is the relative properties of objects that are still in normal time. Normal time objects will not just appear as frozen, but will be immobile to those existing in hypertime. The difference in speeds, combined with the energy required to accelerate an object into a hyperspeed range, means that most individuals able to access HT will still be unable to effect the environment around them in any significant way. For someone in hypertime, punching a frozen normal time enemy would be like punching a solid granite statue. People become virtually unmovable and invincible, closed doors become impossible to open and glass becomes unbreakable. Only small, light weight objects can be moved and only at extensive effort to the one moving them. An individual raindrop can seem as much as 30lbs to someone in hypertime (Making walking in the rain a slow and risky process.) Even moving around can be a chore simply for the fact that the air will be unable to displace fast enough for running.

An individual who takes an object in hand and then slips into HT space may be able to take the object with them with less burden (Though the concentration and focus required increases with the mass of the object being taken) and so long as he or she maintains close contact with the object, it will stay accelerated. Should it leave their grasp, say if someone dropped the object while in HT, the item would quickly snap back into normal space and freeze like all other normal time matter. As such, anyone with this ability will find it mostly useful for avoiding attacks or escaping from danger.

Ability One: Hypertime Step - At will, Edward can instantly slip into hypertime. Once in HT space, he can go anywhere on foot within a short distance (about 15 yards) for a short period of time (About 60 seconds.) The reason for this limit is due to the fact that his lungs operating in hypertime are unable to metabolize oxygen that is still in normal time. As a result, entering hypertime requires that Edward hold his breath, which limits the range and duration that his power can be active.

When Edward reaches his limit or finds a suitably safe location, he can snap back into normal time just as suddenly as he left. To the outside observer, the change in location will appear instantaneous, like a sort of limited teleport power.

As mentioned above, while in HT, Edward will be unable to effect his environment in any significant way. Prior to a jump, Edward can take smaller objects with him into hypertime, (It's for this reason that he is able to move about without his own clothing weighing him down) but he must maintain contact with the object at all times and if he lets go, the object will be jolted back into regular time without him. The more mass the object has, the more concentration and energy it takes to accelerate it with him into HT space. Because of this, the power's primary uses will be for travel, distraction and avoiding any attacks he can see coming.

Ability Two: Hypertime Sight - There are some phenomina that exist just out of the range of normal vision. In hypertime, some select events can be witnessed that would be invisible to most in normal space. During a jump, Edward can catch glimpses of some paranormal entities or interdeminsional beings that skim the edge of reality. While what he sees of these phenomena could best be described as shadows or echos at best, it can provide useful insight into any supernatural forces at work in the immediate area.

Ability Three: Ageless - With as much as Edward has used his power, he should be a few years older than he appears to be. It seems that he does not age at the same rate as other human beings. What causes this is a mystery. Some speculate that his ability to accelerate into another phase of existence has also granted him a physiology free of entropy much like the world in HT space. This is purely theory however, and Edward has not lived long enough to truly test this aspect of his powers.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Aside from his possible lack of entropy, Edward is just as vulnerable and frail as any human being. For his powers, the drawbacks are as numerous as they are dangerous. As mentioned prior, Edward must hold his breath in hypertime as his accelerated lungs are unable to metabolize the oxygen of normal time air. As a result, Edward is limited in the range and duration of his power, along with how many times he can use the power before he has to stop to rest and catch his breath. If used too many times in rapid succession, or for too great a span of time within HT space, Edward will risk passing out. If a rival power or circumstance prevents him from returning to normal space, he has only a short amount of time before he asphyxiates and dies.

Another drawback to his powers is the fact that objects still in normal space are nearly impossible to move while he exists in HT. This means a closed room is as good as a prison while he uses his powers. Also, normal time events that transpire fast enough are -still- virtually immune to change, meaning that Edward can not stop bullets and if trapped and unable to move out of a projectile's path, he will suffer the rather unpleasant experience of being shot in slow motion (Which is pretty much like being stabbed very slowly.)

As noted, Electricity and Light can still move nearly instantaneously, even in hypertime, which means lasers, lightning attacks, electrified surfaces, optical attacks and the like will be just as effective against him while his power is active as they would be otherwise.

Finally, Edward may have the ability to seemingly jump from location to location in the blink of an eye, but his reaction time is very much human. If someone shoots first, odds are Edward will be shot before he can use his powers. If an enemy is clever enough, they might be able to trick him into avoiding one attack, only to reappear just in time for their next strike.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Edward continues to use his abilities constantly to explore the limits of what he can do within hypertime, but his true potential will be to enhance his skills in normal time. Training for how to slow his heart rate and conserve the oxygen in his lungs will enable him to travel further and last longer in HT space. Training in hand to hand combat will sharpen his reflexes and allow him to gradually shift the use of his powers from primarily defensive to offensive. Meditation and mental focus will in time allow him to take larger objects with him into HT space, eventually allowing him to transport people, though this is a ways off and will be extremely taxing on him.

Skills: Edward has a knack for science and philosophy, though he still has much to learn in both areas. His combat skills are almost completely untrained and instead rely on careful, calculated grabs and strikes.

Background: Edward was raised as the only step child in a household of three brothers and two sisters. As a result, Ed was given a sort of begrudging tolerance at the hands of his siblings. While each of his siblings were gifted in their own way, Edward struggled to live up to their lofty expectations. If ever he did achieve excellence, it was always overshadowed by the accomplishments of his brothers and sisters. Ironically, as Edward got older, he became the responsible pillar of the family, taking odd jobs to help provide for the siblings that were too busy or just too lazy to support themselves.

As time went on, Edward discovered that like the rest of his family, he had a unique gift. Edward learned that through will, he could enter a phase of existence that was quiet from all of the noise and distractions of the world. It represented an escape to a place where his brothers and sisters couldn't heckle him or pressure him for money. Sadly, he couldn't stay in that place for very long, and the real world always came crashing back.

After a while, what had started as a boy who desperately craved the approval of his peers, grew into an adult who had cast aside his cares for others. Soon his only motivation for supporting his siblings was a heartless obligation towards his only remaining biological family member, his grandmother. Still caring for her in the final months of her life, Edward knew that when she passed on, he would have no anchor to hold him to their house. A few days later, she passed away in her sleep and the following morning, Edward packed his things, withdrew his savings and left for Cobalt, a sanctuary where he could continue his education and live for himself.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: In spite of his cold persona towards most people, Edward will simply melt in the presence of a dog. He seems to have an especially soft spot for bulldogs and pugs, though any breed will bring a smile to his face and instantly cheer him up.

In addition, Edward has a moral code that he refers to as the "Gentleman's imperative." These rules mostly fall along the basic tenants of chivalry and noble conduct, though it seems that while he selflessly adheres to this code, he is seldom happy about it. In fact, most acts are conducted with an air of bitter annoyance toward anyone involved, though he may not admit it.

When alone and thinking, Edward will pace in geometric patterns according to the floor design or furniture layout.
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