Chantelle Gericault- New character submission

Individuals aged 21 and over who have come to Cobalt Hill for sanctuary, living space and/or to learn control of their powers.

Chantelle Gericault- New character submission

Postby LadyDrakkard » Thu Jan 19, 2023 12:29 am

Player Nickname: LadyDrakkard

Name: Chantelle Gericault (pronounced Jeriko)
Codename: TBD (if she doesn't get booted)
Age: 64 (Appears 24)
Date of Birth: November 3rd

Height: 5'5" (6’5” transformed)
Weight: 140 lbs (250 lbs transformed)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Glowing Yellow
Place of Origin: Louisiana
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian (Has French noble ancestry)
Classification/Origin of Powers: Werewolf (afflicted)

Status: Refugee, maybe? Possible trainee.

Occupation: N/A

Personality Profile: Chantelle is kind of like a honey badger. She doesn’t give a fuck. That isn’t to say that, under the right circumstances, she can’t or won’t give a fuck. The freedom to do and be anything she feels is her greatest pleasure. If one earns her respect and/or friendship she is loyal to a fault and wouldn’t hesitate to put herself in harm’s way for them. Injustices (real or perceived) to those she likes will be met in with poor behavior, to put it nicely. She is quite clever despite acting a fool often times, with a wicked and lewd sense of humour, quick to laugh if entertained and generally fearless of most things. Despite all these things, she does have some sense of diplomacy but is very choosy when using it.

Physical Description: (Human) Fair skinned and of average height. Well muscled but not to the point of lacking a feminine physique. Typically wears Goth-type eye make up, dark coloured lipstick and matching nail polish if she’s feeling fancy. Shiny black hair that hung past her shoulder blades but was usually pinned up haphazardly at the back of her head with an ornate metal clip, bangs hung to either side of her face independent of the rest of her hair. Yellow eyes that have a slight, underlying glow when at rest. If she is expressing any sort of intense emotion they glow more brightly. Nicely shaped and well toned in body and stature. Naturally athletic and strong even before her affliction. Her canine and incisor teeth look slightly sharper than the average humans, though this may be a trick of the light… She typically wears tank tops and cargo pants but also keeps around an old duster she stole from her “affliction benefactor” as well as a black brimmed hat.

(Werewolf) Over six feet of teeth and claws and a shiny black coat as dark as pitch. Her body shape, while larger and covered in fur, remained the same as her human form. Her head was that of a wolf, ears perhaps taller and more pointed at the tips than an average wolf. Her eyes were the same yellow, though appeared as a canine’s would and glowed at all times. Digitigrade legs ended in four toed feet with long sharp claws that normally clicked on the ground when she wasn’t trying to be quiet. To finish the look, a long luxurious tail hung behind her.

Reference for her shifted form. Not my art. Credit to whoever did it.


General Power Information: Werewolf. Nothing else really special about her.

Ability One: Transformation: Can transform into a werewolf. Has some control over her transformations but not completely. She is still dangerous when the full moon rises but has spent the better part of her unusually long life applying herself to be able to change at will. It is still hit or miss unless she is enraged.

Ability Two: Werewolf abilities: Claws and a bite force nearly as powerful as that of a crocodile. Enhanced strength, speed, reflexes, leaping capabilities and heightened senses. Has surprising regenerative abilities after sustaining damage. Retains most of this (save the claws and bite force) while in human form but not to the same extent.

Ability Three: Intimidating presence: Even in her human form, Chantelle seems intimidating. It seemed to compound once she was turned. People generally think twice before approaching her and if they do they tend to be cowed. That being said, she can usually ease tension with her good nature if she decides she likes a person.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

- Death via typical things: Silver (directly in brain or heart), decapitation, snapped neck, complete bodily conflagration.
- Is weakened by close proximity to pure silver and also being set on fire. Can survive fire if she isn’t completely and continually set ablaze.
- Turns into an uncontrolled, slavering, bloodthirsty beast once a month. Also does this on the full moon, so twice a month? (/s kind of)
- Can’t always transform at will.
- Not always a team player. Is very much a loner and not accustomed to having others around.

Skills: Chantelle has decent survival skills as she wasn’t always able to find lodging in her journeys. Has picked up varying skills over the years though excels at few.

Background: Chantel Gericault is one of three daughters of a rich family that descended from French nobility. They were raised with the best of everything (at the time) and never wanted for anything. Except Chantelle. She wanted liberation from the stuffy, sophisticated life. So, after completing high school she left. Of course, taking her trust fund and any money and valuables she had laying around.
She traveled around Louisiana and the surrounding states for a several years enjoying the sights and different places and people, never staying in one place for long because, well, that’s boring. On this journey she met many interesting individuals, even venturing down into the Cajun swamps upon making her way back to Louisiana. Here she met a guy a little older than her who was exciting and charming. Just her type. Only, unlike the guys she had known before, this one actually seemed dangerous. She was enchanted and hung out with him when he was around as he would frequently wander off without her, especially at night.
This kind of annoyed her but she understood and wasn’t about to keep anyone from living their life. She knew he would always return to her and she was right. Those who knew him well always seemed amazed that he would come back to her as he usually didn’t seem to take people he hadn’t known long.
It turned out that he needed to keep her around to impart a “gift” on her. Since she was so nomadic in nature, she was the perfect host for his affliction. On a rare night that he was with her and they were in the throes of passion beneath the moon, he transformed into what the locals called the “Rougarou” or Loup Garou in proper French.
Chantelle, despite being shocked, was actually kind of excited by this and didn’t scream or attempt to escape, which seemed to confound the guy. However, being a user and abuser, he finished having his way with her before viciously biting her and running off into the night, never to be seen again.
At least not by Chantelle. When she awoke in the morning she was sore and bloodied. The rather impressive bite wound on her shoulder was already in the process of healing. Undaunted by what had happened, she picked up little pack she carried around with her and made her way to the little shack of general store nearby and paid the proprietor to use some clean water and wash herself off. She hung around for another week in hopes of seeing the guy again but was told he had blown town.
The last forty years have been spent moving from place to place and wrecking havoc here and there. She would find places to hole up or travel for days to end up in the middle of nowhere upon the approach of the full moon. Despite her rebellious nature, she was never fond of the idea of killing innocent people. This time was also largely used to try to gain some sort of control over her transformation. It was met with varying degrees of success and now she is seeking out a place that can help her hone this “gift”.

Criminal Record: Anything she wracked up was expunged with money. Anything she did while transformed isn’t on her because she never stays anywhere long enough to be caught or found out what she actually is.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
-Has a sister who was infected with vampirism at some point. They ran into each other on occasion but get on well despite the alleged war between their kind.
-Also has a sister who remained human and started a family.
-Is quite well off though you wouldn't know it to look at her.
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Nov 07, 2022 9:12 pm

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