Seven Sterling [Vanish]

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Seven Sterling [Vanish]

Post by Remu »


Player Nickname: AnE

Name: Seven Nina Sterling (Born: Nina Everett. Formerly known as: Subject 07)
Codename: Vanish
Age: 21
Date of Birth: July 5th

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 130 Lbs.
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Red
Place of Origin: Tacoma, Washington
Nationality/Race: Viet/White
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee/Resident
Occupation: Freelancer, catburglar

Personality Profile: Seven is curious to a fault and highly inquisitive, always asking questions. She is fairly naive in addition to being ignorant to more complex worldly concepts, morality and ideals. Subtle nuances of language, slang and innuendo often elude her, and her attention span is questionable. Fiercely loyal to her friends, she tends to neglect her own well-being for that of others. While she wears her emotions on her sleeve, it is rare for her to discuss the things that bother her as she absolutely hates being a burden on anyone. Seven displays a number of bizarre traits and habits that may be attributed to her unique upbringing, resulting in an often childlike demeanor and viewpoint. She is, despite sometimes seeming daft, a very fast learner with an unending hunger for knowledge.

Physical Description: A pallid white complexion is set against equally pale hair that falls in a haphazardly combed fashion about a youthful face. Seven is a short-statured girl of indeterminate race with a demihuman appearance. Pointed ears are situated below a series of small, spiny horns, and her eyes are a clear and pale shade of red with vertically slit pupils. She tends to walk on her toes, balance aided by the long whipcord tail sprouting from the small of her back.

She possesses the red remnants of several recently removed tattoos; a thick '07' on her right bicep as well as a barcode marking her left clavicle. There are a number of faded scars on her body that are now almost invisible thanks to treatment by a mutant healer, including a Y-shaped scar from just below her collarbone to her navel indicative of an autopsy.



Powerset: Mutagenic Spectre

Ability One: Molecular Phasing - By consciously willing the separation of her molecules, Seven is capable of temporarily phasing all or part of her body through solid objects, enabling her to pass through them and them to pass through her. The nature of this ability only enables her to hold her intangibility for seconds at a time, with spatial awareness being the only thing preventing her from falling through the floor every time she phases. She able to grant intangibility to objects she comes in contact with on a temporary basis, so long as they are touching.

Ability Two: Invisibility - Seven is able to render herself entirely invisible to the naked eye. This state is achieved by warping the way in which her molecules react to light and causing them to become reflective. When invisible, she is still detectable by heat signature, UV, and all alternative methods of sight.

Ability Three: Teleportation - A blink-of-an-eye relocation between two given areas. She has a current hard limit of about a half mile's range, and the power is most effective when she can see where she's going or her destination is a place that she has visited in the past.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
  • Seven is capable of becoming partially or completely stuck in objects if her concentration is broken while phasing.
  • Multiple teleports over long distances are extremely draining.
  • While invisible, she is still detectable by alternative methods, such as heat scanning.
  • When particularly stressed or fearful, her invisibility goes haywire and becomes 'layered', causing only certain parts of her to be invisible at any time (read: organs, bones, skin, etc.).
Projected Power Growth & Development: While the development of Seven's X-gene has allegedly been stunted by various experimentations, she has already shown considerable development, and only time will tell at this point where she goes.

  • Cooking
  • Cleaning
  • Theft
  • Stealth
  • Archery
Background: The mutant who was, for a long time, only known as Subject 07, spent the majority of her young life exposed to horrific tortures and immoral experimentation after her young parents were coerced into giving up their newborn mutant for an undisclosed amount of money.

What occurred between the time that Seven was born and the time that she first arrived at the academy is, for the most part, a mystery. She rarely, if ever speaks of her past. It is only known to most that she lived within a medical facility in an undisclosed location up until 2002. Over her short lifetime, she was subjected to a variety of tests, few of which actually had to do with the X-gene at all. Instead, taboo pharmaceutical research conducted on several different 'units' of mutants, usually children no older than a few years old, was the driving force behind the operation. It was rumored that the mutants who survived the procedures were then put to work, though the details of that are rather foggy as well. Either way, extended experimentation coupled with limited human (or mutant.) contact left its mark on the girl, who is considered to be shockingly well-adjusted, all things considered.

It is believed that someone caught wind of the facility's operations. It was promptly shut down in early '02 after several trucks delivering fresh 'specimens' drove off of the side of a cliff. What was discovered was horrifying, and opened the nation's eyes -- albeit briefly. Several big name inventors and highly acclaimed doctors and scientists found themselves behind bars, with the META patting themselves on the back for an 'undercover' job well done, when in reality it was little more than a coverup to save their own skins. No one would learn of the META's negligence in freely handing over mutants to the proprietors of the facility.

What happened to the mutant children, many who were no longer children at all, that suffered at the cruel hands of those scientists...?

Subject 07 first showed up on the grounds of Cobalt Academy in 2004, though it was originally quite rare to see her at all. It was determined after some observation that she was not a threat. She gradually became more friendly with the student body, though after about a year she slipped away into hiding and hadn't been seen since the 2005 graduation as many of her acquaintances went off to bigger and better things, the only hints to her appearance being pilfered food from the cafeteria and the occasional white blur seen out of the corners' of students eyes in passing, whispers of a campus ghost having been quite the hot topic for some time.

Students were relieved to learn that Subject 07, now just called Seven, was no specter at all. She has been living in plain sight for quite a while now.

Recently, Seven has done quite a bit of digging and was able to obtain information about her identity, but ultimately decided that the person she found that information on was not her anymore, largely due to records indicating that she was officially deceased. She was able to acquire a birth certificate, social security number and state ID and hopes to take on a new direction with her life.
Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
x Very fond of reading, she finds herself indulging in children and young adult level books above all else, especially fables and fairytales.

x Unsurprisingly, Seven tends to distrust scientists. This fear tends to extend to doctors, though to a much lesser degree.

x There has been very little word on the locations of subjects other than Seven, and she herself tends not to talk about them or any others that may have been held in the facility with her.

x 'Adopted' sister of Jackson Sterling.

x She owns a small 'all in one' freelance business, offering everything from laundry and cooking to courier work and many things in between. She moonlights as a catburglar.

x Seven is almost incapable of performing even basic mathematics calculations and every effort to teach her has led to a complete dead-end; while she can do very simple operations such as elementary addition and subtraction, anything more complex completely confuses her.
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