Miyabi Moore (Flora)

Individuals aged 16 to 20 who have come to Cobalt Hill for sanctuary, living space and/or to learn control of their powers.

Miyabi Moore (Flora)

Postby kula » Mon Oct 17, 2022 8:12 pm

Player Nickname: Kula

Name: Miyabi Moore
Codename: Flora
Age: 19
Date of Birth: February 26th

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130lbs
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: ...earth? :D New York City, New York, specifically.
Nationality/Race: Half Japanese and Half American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Resident
Occupation: Fashion Design.. designing clothes. Honestly, her dream is to have her own boutique and brand.

Personality Profile: Over the top, loud, and full of life. Miyabi loooooves the tea. She wants to get to know everything and everyone, however, she has a good sense of boundaries and when to 'stop', for the most part. She aims to be the popular girl with having lots of friends, however, that's her outer shell. Inside, she's afraid of having anyone -truly- close to her, as when you let someone in that close, they can hurt you unimaginably.

Physical Description: Miyabi is of decent height and rather lithe, having done cheerleading in high school and even going to the rank of captain. She's incredibly confident about her looks and her exotic heritage. She loves to play up her very long blond hair in different styles but often favors them in twin tails or in a high ponytail. She has distinct 'slash like markings' on her cheeks, like she's been scratched by a cat which appeared once her Mutant power surfaced. At first she would cover them with makeup, but now she embraces the marks. She adores wearing designer clothing and things that accentuate her legs. Pretty much anything Britney Spears would wear. That's Miyabi.



General Power Information: Florakinesis - Plant Control

Ability One: Plant Growth - As long as vegetation is around, or was around at some point, Miyabi can make it grow. She can have vines and branches grow to bind a foe, or create a hedge to make a distraction (or just look pretty. This is great stuff for those other folks that might blow up trees/grass and she can help re-beautify the scenery). Miyabi can also grow different kinds of plants and spores to help either cause allergic reactions, help with healing (like aloe vera), or even put people to sleep. She also likes to use this ability to smell very nice.

Ability Two: Plant Speak - Miyabi can communicate with the plants in direct vicinity of her. She can ask them if they've seen something or they can relay a conversation to her. She lovingly calls this ability 'Plant Phone'.

Ability Three: Pheromones - An extension of her first power set. Miyabi can generate natural pheromones from her body. She does this not to pursuade people/mind control or anything like that, but generally to smell nice or to generate awful smells to overwhelm a foe. ... or even wake someone up, like using smelling salts. She can also use this ability around anyone directly close to her to help block off other scents, either to prevent being hunted or to counter-act any other pheromone attack on her (or the others directly close to her).

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Miyabi is incredibly vain. Any direct hit to her face or body will make her lose her focus and give a great big opening to anyone attacking her. She is also terrified of 'monsters' or anything monstrous. Also anything spooky. Ghosts, especially.

Skills: Miyabi is great at cheerleading and athletics (which she maintains because she loves to eat lots and LOTS of sweets). She also loves to sew and draw.

Background: Born with a silver spoon in her mouth, Miyabi didn't.. really have to do anything. Her father was into politics (having been a former Senator) and her mother was an esteemed doctor at a prestigious New York Hospital. Miyabi had basically everything she ever wanted except, of course, her crush in school - the popular, ace-student and coolest dude in the world - Chad Kensington. Miyabi did everything she ever could to win him over. Invited him to parties, wrote love letters, asked her friends to speak to his friends... the whole nine yards. It wasn't any good though. Chad absolutely -despised- Miyabi. Seeing her as a complete bratty flake with everything just handed to her, he made it clear that he not only had 'zero interest', but made it clear on the biggest night of their school lives that he would take Miyabi's best friend as his date.

The nail on the coffin was of course as the prom king and prom queen were announced, it wasn't Miyabi. It was Chad and his date - Miyabi's good ol' BFF.. and that was when Miyabi's mutant ability exposed itself. The entire room just stank. It smelled like rancid garbage - the worst kind. And everyone knew it was from Miyabi. However, it didn't just end with that. The flower decorations started going crazy, the ground started to vibrate as vines and trees uprooted out of the auditorium floor. People shrieked and it was a classic Carrie moment. It was at that point where Miyabi was taken out of school and taken to therapy and doctors. Miyabi knew her mother was a doctor but she still hated hospitals. And hated doctors. A few years would go by until finally a suitable location was found for Miyabi to relocate to.. ..Cobalt Hill.

Criminal Record: None! Though it was close for her in getting one after the high school incident. She does have a psychological record.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Miyabi has nightmares of her 'school fiasco', so she often wakes up in cold sweat. She also loves sickeningly sweet things.. like orange marmalade. She loves social media and uses it a lot, loves reality shows.. and she can barely speak any Japanese. Just the basic words. She's actually only ever been to Japan whenever her mother would go home or she would be taken to go on vacation.
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2022 7:33 pm

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