Zayne Rogers (Villain)

These characters need a little more work. They may be too strong, not well thought-out, there may be too many occurrences of the same power in channel, or they may not fit with the channel's theme!
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Joined: Thu Mar 21, 2019 2:47 pm

Zayne Rogers (Villain)

Post by EinherjarLucian »

Player Nickname: Lucian

Name: Zayne Rogers
Codename: Zayne
Age: ???
Date of Birth: ???

Height: As Zayne: 5'10"; Hybrid: 6' 8"
Weight: As Zayne: 180; Hybrid: 500
Hair Color: As Zayne: Brown; Hybrid: Black
Eye Color: As Zayne: Brown; Hybrid: Blue
Place of Origin: Salem, MA
Nationality/Race: USA / Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Werewolf

Status: Villain
Occupation: ???

Personality Profile: Zayne is trying to rebuild his pack and take revenge on a group of hunters which wiped out his family. He was born a werewolf, and has survived for a long time.

Physical Description: Zayne Rogers is otherwise unassuming. He's tall and lanky, and wears overcoats and muted colors. His hybrid form is jet black with blue eyes.


General Power Information: Zayne is a natural born werewolf who has achieved Alpha status and is forming his own pack. As his pack grows, so will his overall power.

Ability One: Zayne can transform into a humanoid werewolf. He has supernatural strength, allowing him to carry over 4,000 pounds over long distances. His running speed, reflexes, agility, and physical endurance are all supernaturally enhanced. He can see in near total darkness and can track creatures by scent over great distances. He retains a measure of these abilities in his human form, and can shift between these forms at will, including stages in between human and full hybrid. Also, as an alpha, he can transform fully into a dire wolf form.

Ability Two: Zayne has enhanced resistance to damage and a rapid ability to heal from damage. He can regenerate wounds within seconds to minutes and can heal from most otherwise mortal wounds within several hours. However, silvered weapons and weapons which are specifically enchanted to affect supernatural beings ignore the enhanced resistance, and it takes him twice as long to heal these injuries. Even contact with silver will cause burn damage. While transformed, his claws and fangs are supernaturally sharp and are able to pierce and tear most normal materials including metals. He has no special resistance to magic beyond his physical resistance, but can regenerate the damage unless it specifically targets spiritual creatures.

Ability Three: As an alpha werewolf, Zayne has the ability to pass on "the gift". This can only be done by a bite on the full moon. Beings who are already metahumans cannot receive "the gift". His bite is fatal to vampires.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: (What happens if your character overexerts themself? Do their powers provide them with any negative attributes, like a weakened heart, lack of resistance to toxins, etc? Does their power make them shaky and high-strung? Balance is important!)

Survivalist Zayne has the skills necessary to survive with minimal support from human civilization; however, he is quite functional in human society.

Zayne grew up in Salem, on the family farm well outside town. He lived with his cousins Blake and Artemis and his aunt and uncle. They attended the local high school, integrated with society, and got along fairly well--except for the fact that the majority of the family members were natural-born werewolves.

When Zayne was in his late teens and attending college, a group of Hunters targeted his family home and murdered his aunt and uncle while he was away. He's been off the radar since then, but has recently returned to town.

With the recent death of Artemis, the local pack leader, Zayne is now looking to rebuild the pack.

Criminal Record: None. He was relatively quiet as a minor, unlike his cousin Blake.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
REALLY Hates Hunters - He hates ALL Hunters and while he won't do anything stupid, he'll go out of his way to make them suffer.

Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Mar 21, 2019 2:47 pm

Re: Zayne Rogers (Villain)

Post by EinherjarLucian »


Noah Clark (missing 2 months from Binghamton, NY)
Megan Allfield (missing 2 weeks from Salem, MA)
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