Hessith Fymus - Snakewhip [Alien-Mutant Refuge]

These characters need a little more work. They may be too strong, not well thought-out, there may be too many occurrences of the same power in channel, or they may not fit with the channel's theme!
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Hessith Fymus - Snakewhip [Alien-Mutant Refuge]

Post by A_Dragon360 »

Player Nickname: Dragon

Name: Hessith Fymus
Codename: Snakewhip
Age: 45
Date of Birth: Uncertain

Height: 6'7 (2 meters)
Weight: 1,004 lbs (455.5 kg)
Hair Color: Frosty Fiberous Magnesium-Flare White
Eye Color: Gold-green Opalescent.
Skin: Carborundum Glossy Black
Place of Origin: Telymus: The Forge-World
Nationality/Race: Sliern-Telymite (last of his kind)
Classification/Origin of Powers: Alien-Mutant

Status: Alien-Refuge
Occupation: Harbringer

Personality Profile: Hessith has seen the death of thousands, as his planet was imploded, and is the last of his kind. Bearing the weight of obligation: to warn the living galaxy of what is to come, he is mostly a determined, and stubborn man. He has a gallows sense of humor, a dark sardonic chuckle at the joke of the universe, but otherwise he is... surprisingly well adjusted -- all things considered.

Physical Description: Image
His hide is shiny, reflective, and looks like this Image
- Hessith possesses glossy black skin (so shiny. See above), fibrous white-hair, and 6' long prehensile tail (that is not visible in the image). He is physically athletically muscular in build. Hessith and his people are otherwise shaped curiously similar to humanss, except their digits (fingers and toes) end in short points instead of nails.


General Power Information: Psionically Sensitive, Silicon-Carbide-Lifeform

Carborundum [Silicon carbide (SiC)] Life-Form: Life in the Universe can take on many strange forms and properties. Not the least of these belonging to Hessith (and his now no-longer existing species) whose flesh appears to be composed of living Silicon-carbide (aka Carborundum), of varying densities, with luminescent teal circulatory fluid that generally proves to be corrosive to most standard issue carbon-based life forms. On average, his dark smooth and shiny exterior rates as a 9.5 on the Moh's hardness scale (meaning he's more scratchable and damageable than diamonds <10> but not by much), and also a lot more malliable and flexible. Because of his flexisibility and mobility, he's not entirely as strong as his makeup might lend itself to be, being only five-times as strong as a peak human's physicality. He has a top running speed of 175mph with endurance to spare, his durability is proper for his biochemical make up in regards to electrical and temperature-based degredation (He's not immune to electricity and heat, but it takes a LOT to damage him), and he's roughly strong enough to lift and throw a standard weight four-door sedan.

◦ For further reference, here's a wiki! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon_carbide

Insubstantial 'Smoke' Form: Hessith can discorporate into a form of sentient, self mobilizing, particulate 'smoke'. Also made of Carborundum. Thus making him difficult to lock-down, or cage him, and as his particles are Carborundum it makes him incredibly dangerous to handle, as it's rather like trying to grasp a cloud of smoke that is -also- a chainsaw made of near industrial-diamond quality teeth. He can partially discorporate, forming a 'whiplash' of this smoke, from either hand, that exends outward up to 12 feet, for a variety of purposes. His ability to become insubstantial is not a standard feature of his Species, and marks him as not just an alien, but an alien-mutant. If one could check his equivilent coding/DNA, one would find his species varient of the X-gene present.

Psionic Sensitive: Hessith and his people were known to possess Psychic abilities, like many inhabitents of the Sirius galaxy. However their abilities where more passive than otherwise remarkable. Hessith possesses a sensitivity to Supernormal and Psych activities (a general awareness of demonic, mystic, psionic and 'other' generally unclassifiable energies, presences, and residues, as well as powers used in his immediate vacinity). These abilities do not differentiate, however, and just radiate as a sense of 'weird stuff has occured/is occurring here.' Hessith has strong telepathic resistance, however, with medium telepathic sensitivity (limited to detect 'sentient/self-aware' minds within a 200 foot radius, with a limited weak ability to communicate telepathically (the minds in question must be within direct eye-contact range, and the telepathy is not overtly or psionically influentual upon said mind).

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
Alien Physiology- Hessith's physiological make-up is (as mentioned above in 'Powers') Either the same as (or similar to) Carborundum. Being basically a Silicon/Carbon-hybrid life-form, lends itself to numerous medical difficulties. X-rays are off the table, medicine is remarkablly difficult to synthesize, and anti-toxins/venoms aren't even on the map. In fact, barring high-end magical healing, he's pretty much stuck with his own innate healing properties (which are human slow) to recover from any physical damage.

Heavy- Hessith is heavy. At 1,004 lbs (455.5 kg, because in space, aliens generally prefer metric), he is a heavy-weight to be dealt with, with care, when dealing with relatively fragile structures like upper-storey and unreinforced flooring, any elevators that aren't espressly freight, most vehicles, etc. etc. He sinks like a giant bowling ball in water, and frozen lake surfaces tend to crack when he merely looks at them. As he can't fly, under his own power, this is problematic whenever it comes to 'getting there,' and even if he is capable of being transported, he probably won't enjoy the process much.

Hunted & Illegal Alien- Hessith is hunted on two fronts. The first front is by the space-faring Rexalian race, headed by the intergalactic conquerer P`lord. The Rexals destroyed all of his people, except for him, and are hungry to finish the job (for reasons that have yet to be discovered). The only saving grace where that is concerned, is that no other space-faring nation/species like the Rexalians, and thus it's not a universally recognized warrant for his capture and execution. Still intergalactic bounty-hunters and pirates on the Rexalian pay-roll may pay whomever habors him a visit.

◦ On the other Front is M.E.T.A. Though they don't know who he is, or what he looks like, but they have his scent, and they are out for the potential secrets of neat alien technology (of which he knows practically nil, but what difference does that make).

Last of His Kind/Final Obligation- As cliche` as it is, Hessith is literally the last of his kind. The conquering forces of the Rexalian army effectively disintegrated all of his species. Thus it falls upon Hessith to carry the word of warning, about the mustering Rexalien forces, to the universe (and next on the docket is Earth).

Mutant- As far as his people were conscerned (and also, genetically speaking), Hessith is a mutant of his species. This would mean almost next to nothing on Earth, except for the fact that mutant detectors can still detect him, and mutant power-inhibitors still work on him. Mutant hunters will not differentiate on his origins.

Obvious- Hessith is two meters tall, with shiny black skin, magnesium-flare white hair, and a prehensile tail that is about as long as he is tall. He generally fails to blend in, and usually won't even try.

Strict Carnivore- Hessith can only survive exclusively on the animal-flesh of carbon-based lifeforms. He is a strict carnivore and has the incisors for it. This makes his care and feeding options rather limited, wherever he should go.

Unusually -Dangerous- Circulatory Fluid- Hessith's teal-blue blood is corrosive to carbon-based life-forms and does a lovely number on ferrous-strong metals as well. Luckily his contents are not under high pressure, so when he gets cut or punctured, he does not spray acidic joy everywhere.

Astro-Navigation:- Given a known point of origin, and clear visibility, Hessith can navigate by the stars alone.

Meditation:- Hessith can slip into a meditative state where he drastically reduces the pangs of hunger and pain from the body, and can thus hyperfocus on mental problem solving, and/or physical tasks. It also enables him to recharge taxed mental batteries - to help him relax, in otherwords.

Mind-over-Body:- Hessith is a master of his own body, able to use his meditative focus to manipulate such things as his heart-rate, blood pressure, and nervous responses, to the point where he can endure great pain and privation, as well as to feign death. He is capable of such impressive feats such as fire-walking and laying or resting on beds of nails, etc.

Mystic-Theory:- Hessith and his people were well learned in matters concerning the Mystic world. He knows -of- Magic, Demonic, Daemonic, Magical, and other Supernatural entities, Spells, and so forth, and can recognize the same upon exposure. He cannot cast spells.

Psionic-Theory:- Hessith and his people were well learned in the Psionic Arts and the practice therof. He knows of the Astral Plane, Psionics, Psychic effects, and Psychic entities.

Weapon Skill (Short-Blades):- Hessith is very -very- good when using bladed weapons under 15 inches (38 cm) in length.

Yoga:- Hessith understands and can utilizes advanced Yoga techniques, to greatlt enhances his flexibility, athleticism, and mental state. Of course they don't use the same terms for techniques, where he's from...

Background: Hessith was one of 'The Patient'. Mid-class 'rock gardeners' of the star-faring Sliern species, who oversaw the meditative rituals of the birthing of new Sliern from seeded eggs given to them by given Sliern families. They tended to the resulting infants upon hatching, and returned the children to their eager parents afterwards. As was such, Hessith and other Rock Gardners where mostly blissfully unaware of the wars between the stars of the Sirius galaxy... until the Rexalians descended to the Sliern home-forgeworld of Telymus, questing for vital minerals and metals.

And the Rexalians where not too concerned on if the minerals they mined where sentient, or not.

The resulting war lasted five years, wherein the Rexalians discovered that for once they could not bring the overbearing might of their war-machine upon the Sliern, in any meaningful way on the ground, and could never gain a foothold of territory or any decisive victories. The stony Sliern's where a peaceful race, but when fighting on their home territory they where devistatingly effective in combat, with high morale... So The Rexalians dusted off from their temporary fortresses on Telymus, and disintegrated the surface-layer of the planet. Killing everything and anything that wasn't able to go insubstantial... like Hessith (and even then he remained as an entorpored smoke in a sort of coma for a week afterwards).

Hessith was eventually taken in, by accident, by Rexalian miners, and awoke in a vaccume container. He solidified, tore his way out, and wrecked bloody-but-focused havoc as he searched the facilities for other survivors, but found only rubble and mossinite dust, all that remained of his people. It was during this time that he learned of their leader, Heht Plord Xu`Thrang, and the conquest of the galxies... and he set out to prevent any such tragedy from happening to any other people.

He has only been nominally succesful, so far. But his work as a harbringer, a warning of the Rexalians and their murderous methods, slowed canid advance, as, properly warned, those who listened where able to put up more dedicated defense. Riled to anger, Heht Plord Xu`Thrang himself declared the death sentence upon him, and offered a sizeable bounty for his death (taking Hessith alive was simply not a desireable option). And soon Hessith was on the run from greedy headhunters, and space-pirates looking to either curry favor with the Rexalian empire, or to make a quick heavy load of credits.

Eventually his rockship (literally, a spaceship made of rocks) was shot-down over Earth and he was forced to use an escape-pod to land safely, in Massachusetts. His ship broke up in Earth's atmosphere, depositing some -very strange metoric rocks all up and down the East coast. META was soon scrambled to investigate. Fortunately for Hessith, however, they arrived too late to apprehend him.

Criminal Record: He has the Rexalian Death-Sentence on his head. He is wanted by META.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
◦ Hessith, for the record, is not inherently carcinogenic, poisonous or toxic to carbon-based life-forms, except for when he bleeds on them (see 'Corrosive' Weakness above).

◦ Despite not being Ferrous, or even metallic at all, Hessith is curiously magnetic, due to his increased level of inner bio-electricity. This can have a mildly corrosive effect on magnetic media, if exposed to him for days at a time, and he is easily mollified by fridge magnets and magenetokinetic characters.

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Joined: Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:51 am

Re: Hessith Fymus - Snakewhip [Alien-Mutant Refuge]

Post by A_Dragon360 »

Yeah, delete this. I'm no longer interested in playing this character.
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