Cobalt XTeam

Information pertaining to Cobalt Hill's strike team; members, mission logs, etc.
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Cobalt XTeam

Post by Sisip »

(Out of Character Note: You may have up to two characters on the X-team at any time. However, you may only use one at a time for any plot or mission-related roleplay unless given permission from one of the moderators to play both.)

The Cobalt Hill strike team is the first and last line of defense for the complex. Their initial responsibilities include eliminating threats to the campus that may be too powerful for security alone, in addition to any missions deemed appropriate by Sisip Webster, whether they be combat, subterfuge, or information gathering. The team is divided into two groups, one whose primary objectives are defense, combat, etc., and another whose primary objectives are information gathering, support, transportation, etc.

When an individual is recruited to Cobalt Hill's strike team, they are issued three items: an identification card, a cellular phone, and a copy of the X-Team Guidelines as written by Marcus Gains and updated by Sisip Webster. The card may be used to access special training programs in the simulators as well as the equipment lockers and special vehicle section of the parking garage. The cell phones issued to X-team members are special -- highly durable, untraceable, with the ability to send and receive calls and texts between team members, Marlo Cross and Sisip Webster.

Cross and Webster will accept any capable individuals onto the X-team so long as they are affiliated with Cobalt Hill, whether they be trainees, staff or residents. Just keep in mind that the chain of command will be according to team experience.
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Re: Cobalt XTeam

Post by Sisip »

Rules of the X-Team

* Respect Your Teammates: Look at the person to your left. Now, look at the person to your right. You may not like them, but you'll all be watching each other's backs from here on out. You don't have to be friends, you don't even have to like each other but you are expected to maintain a professional relationship. After all, working as a team could very well be the difference between life and death. All team members are expected to respect the decisions made by the team captain and team leader.

* Know Your Role: There are times when one individual's specific abilities will be needed over another's. Do not gripe. Do not bitch. Be ready and open to back off and allow someone else to take the reigns when it comes to ducking out and allowing someone else to do their job. Everyone will be given the opportunity to demonstrate the usefulness of their unique talents and their ability to aid the team. All team members may not be called for all missions.

* Don't Be an Idiot: Simple and to the point. If the situation looks grim, there is no shame in turning and running in order to come back and overcome it when you are stronger and able. Some things are not meant to be handled alone -- this is a team effort, after all. Never act on anything unless it's been talked over with other team members. Do not attempt to go at something by yourself, or else the consequences could be dire for all of us.

* Body Count: Low: Lethal force should only be used when necessary. While loss of life is sometimes unpreventable, it should be a last resort. If someone is aiming a weapon at you and you cannot relieve them of their weapon, it is considered a direct threat on your life and you may respond accordingly.
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Re: Cobalt XTeam

Post by Sisip »

X-Team Resources & Equipment


Each member of the XTeam will be issued the following uniforms (One Combat, one Stealth). Please note that Trainees/Prospects will NOT have the Cobalt Hill Badge on their uniforms. This will be issued when the candidate is finally promoted to the actual roster.

The uniforms are of a tightly woven, breathable fabric that is resistant to medium pressure, though certainly not stab/knife proof. A microphone is sewn into the collar up against the throat that is always transmitting on a frequency determined by the Technopath of the team.

Reinforced segments are located on thighs, upper and lower arms, chest, back, lower legs. Reinforced segments can resist small knife puncture at normal assault pressure.

Customizable Aspects (Items can be customized to a certain degree, darker shades which fit the colour scheme):

Shoulder Badges - Embroidery allowed on shoulders.
Boots - Options for steel toed boots, flexible soft soled shoes, etc.
Gloves - Reinforced gloves, fingerless gloves, mesh, etc.
Belt - Utility belts, pouched belts, etc
Padding (knees/elbows) - Colours to match
Headgear - eye masks, full face masks, goggles

The Simulation Chamber: X-team members have the highest priorities when it comes to using the simulators for training purpose. However, if it is found that they are using their heightened access to the simulator for recreational use, they will have this privilege stripped.

Cobalt Hill Equipment Vault: X-team members are given cards which they may use to check out various pieces of training and mission equipment. This list is incomplete and only offers some examples of what is available.

Light body armor, bulletproof and protective clothing
Tranquilizer guns of all shapes and sizes
Stun batons and tazers
Laptops and other computer storage units
First aid supplies
Microphones, transmitters, bugs, etc.
Communicators (ear)
Tools, both manual and power-operated
Diving gear
Climbing gear
Holographic Disguise Watch & Inhibitor Cuffs
(Note: Firearms and live ammunition are only issued when there is a distinct possibility of a situation in which powers will be inhibited.)

Vehicles: Vehicles available for mission use include one black SUV and several civilian cars.
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Re: Cobalt XTeam

Post by Sisip »

X-Team Training Regimen
(Out of Character Note: We don't expect everyone to play out every bit of team training. But if you neglect to play out any training at all, you may find your character thrust into a situation they are ill-equipped to handle. Just something to keep in mind!)

Team Meetings: While an emergency meeting may be called at any time by any team member, regularly scheduled meetings are held once a week to discuss issues, current events, internal affairs, so on and so forth.

First Aid Training: Held monthly after the first week-long course. Everything from bandaging and treating wounds to CPR, etc, etc, etc.

Workouts: Power-free physical training that includes endurance, running, weight training, swimming, weightlifting, so on and so forth.

Power Training: Two evenings a week, though additional private training is available, team members are instructed in the use of individuals powers and how they may work with other members of the team to make productive use of power combinations throughout the group.

Team Exercises: On the nights when power training is not in session, team members are brought to the simulation chambers and run through various combat and tactical scenarios where the objective is to meet a goal by working as a team, some familiar, some alien (both figuratively and literally speaking.).
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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