Level 1-10 Feats (Domestic)
Feat Description  Feat Bonus Stamina Used
Action of Primes Generic feat, if a feat is needed and not listed.  None 5
Nip A hateful little attack. +5 5
Scratch Use your claws (or hooves) to tear your enemy a new one! +5 5
Tooth and Nail Bite and scratch at your foe. +10 10
Jump Up Jump onto your enemy. +10 10
Spray Aim a foul stream at your foe. +10 10
Maul Savagely attack your opponent, showing no mercy. +15 15
Bite Bite viciously at your opponent. +15 15
Console Your deep, knowing gaze can bring furres the idea that you understand and empathize with their pain and distress. With this you cure them 1d10+10 ST. +10 10
Level 11-20 Feats (Wild)
Feat Description Feat Bonus Stamina Used
Know Alignment Distinguish friend from foe simply by the smell they give off. +20 15
Track Find someone who you have previously met with ease. (Whisper furre in question to find him). +20 15
But One Claw Use your strongest claw to scrape at your opponent as effectively as you can. +20 15
Blitz Leap through the air and onto your opponent, showering him with bites and scratches. +20 15
Blind Strike your opponent in the eyes. +20 20
Conceal Seld This move allows you to go unnoticed at any time, anywhere… as if you've vanished from the spot. You are invisible until you speak or make a rolling action. +20 5
Drive Pick a mean face and bear it all, driving your opponent away from you before making an escape. +25 to Attack (adds +25 to escape roll) 25
Ambush Works like Sneak Attack. Leap from the bushes, from around a corner, from anywhere really, and surprise your opponent completely with a devastating, unprecedented attack.  +30 10
Level 21-40 Feats (Predator)
Feat Description Feat Bonus Stamina Used
Septic Bite Saliva of the feral causes infection in the victim, +15 on first attack, damage as usual, if hit the victim loses 5 hp/turn for the next three turns. +15 25
Skirmish Uses your quick reflexes to attack multiple furres (max of 3, each within one square of your position) in one turn. +15 40
Pounce Take your opponent completely by surprise, taking them down for the count. +20 20
Seize and Sever Aim for the legs and bring your opponent down to the ground, giving you 2 attacks in your next round. (Mod for feat is not added to the attacks of the next turn). +20 40
Tear Asunder Rip and tear at your opponent's armour, removing it as best as you can. (Removes +5 from opponent's armour mod until removed armour has been retrieved). +20 40
Kindred Strength Summon forth a woodland friend to fight with you for 3 rounds before disappearing back into the wild. (This gives the summoner 2 attacks per round for 3 rounds, NO modifiers on the summoned beast). +30 50
Last Resort An animal backed into a corner is the most dangerous and ferocious of all. Use all in your power to damage your opponent, even if it means taking damage of your own. (Both attacker and target take damage, separate rolls). Submitted by: Quarion Nail +45 50